# Q: Ich möchte schwarze Balken (Kanten) aus dem Film, was soll ich tun zu eliminieren?
A: Klicken Sie auf "Bearbeiten"-Taste, um in das Bearbeitungsfeld eingeben und wechseln Sie zur Registerkarte Crop, dann ziehen Sie einfach die gestrichelten Rahmen auf dem Bildschirm des ursprünglichen Vorschau-Fenster abzuschneiden die unerwünschten Teile auf der rechten Seite Seitenverhältnis Sie benötigen.
# Q: Wie installiere ich und die Software registrieren?
A: Mehr dazu finden Sie auf Installieren und Registrieren von Windows-Produkte.
# F: Ich kann das Programm ordnungsgemäß herunter zu laden. Was kann ich tun?
A: Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob Ihr Computer infiziert wurde. Dann prüfen Sie Ihre IE-Einstellungen. Bitte klicken Sie auf "Internet-Option ..." unter "Extras" und wählen Sie dann die Seite "Allgemein", klicken Sie einfach auf "Datei löschen ...", und es wird OK.
# Q: Kann ich den Namen der Ausgabedatei?
A: Ja. Hier finden Sie die Spalte mit dem Namen "Destination-Datei" auf Dateiliste. Klicken Sie auf den jeweiligen Ausgang Namen unter der "Destination File"-Spalte, und dann können Sie den Namen der Ausgabedatei festlegen.
Monday, November 8, 2010
# F: Wie mehrere Video-Clips in einer Datei zusammenfassen?
A: Wählen Sie die Elemente zu kombinieren und aktivieren Sie das Kontrollkästchen von "Merge in eine Datei" vor der Konvertierung der Videos.
# F: Meine Filme im Breitbildformat (16:9) nicht aufhalten Breitbild nach der Konvertierung. Ich möchte nicht das Video zu dehnen und machte größer. Was kann ich tun?
A: Klicken Sie einfach auf "Einstellungen" drücken und den Video-Größe auf 16 * 9 Seitenverhältnis vor der Konvertierung des Films.
# Q: Wie kann ich AAC / AC3 5.1 Kanäle als Ausgang Audio?
A: Sie können auf "Einstellungen" und wählen Sie '5 .1 Kanäle 'aus dem Drop-Down-Liste der Audio-Kanal. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Piraten Ausgabeformate nicht unterstützen 5.1-Kanal.
# Q: Wie kann ich den Namen der Ausgabedatei?
A: Hier finden Sie die Spalte mit dem Namen "Destination File" auf Dateiliste. Doppelklicken Sie auf den Ausgang Namen und dann können Sie in gewünschte Ausgabe Dateinamen.
# F: Meine Videos von meinem HD-Camcorder aufgenommen wurden, gibt es viele Streifen und Geräusche auf das Bild nach der Konvertierung, warum sollte dies geschehen?
A: Einige Filmaufnahmen sind unter Interlacing-Modus aufgenommen, und diese führen zu Streifen und Linien auf dem Bildschirm. Zur Beseitigung der Linien, können Sie folgen auf "Bearbeiten"-Menü-> 'Effekt' "und markieren Sie" Deinterlacing "-Feld vor der Konvertierung. Was die Geräusche, wenn man das spezielle Effekt-Modus "Simple Gauss Blur" aus dem Drop-Down-Liste, wird das Rauschen erheblich reduziert werden.
A: Wählen Sie die Elemente zu kombinieren und aktivieren Sie das Kontrollkästchen von "Merge in eine Datei" vor der Konvertierung der Videos.
# F: Meine Filme im Breitbildformat (16:9) nicht aufhalten Breitbild nach der Konvertierung. Ich möchte nicht das Video zu dehnen und machte größer. Was kann ich tun?
A: Klicken Sie einfach auf "Einstellungen" drücken und den Video-Größe auf 16 * 9 Seitenverhältnis vor der Konvertierung des Films.
# Q: Wie kann ich AAC / AC3 5.1 Kanäle als Ausgang Audio?
A: Sie können auf "Einstellungen" und wählen Sie '5 .1 Kanäle 'aus dem Drop-Down-Liste der Audio-Kanal. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Piraten Ausgabeformate nicht unterstützen 5.1-Kanal.
# Q: Wie kann ich den Namen der Ausgabedatei?
A: Hier finden Sie die Spalte mit dem Namen "Destination File" auf Dateiliste. Doppelklicken Sie auf den Ausgang Namen und dann können Sie in gewünschte Ausgabe Dateinamen.
# F: Meine Videos von meinem HD-Camcorder aufgenommen wurden, gibt es viele Streifen und Geräusche auf das Bild nach der Konvertierung, warum sollte dies geschehen?
A: Einige Filmaufnahmen sind unter Interlacing-Modus aufgenommen, und diese führen zu Streifen und Linien auf dem Bildschirm. Zur Beseitigung der Linien, können Sie folgen auf "Bearbeiten"-Menü-> 'Effekt' "und markieren Sie" Deinterlacing "-Feld vor der Konvertierung. Was die Geräusche, wenn man das spezielle Effekt-Modus "Simple Gauss Blur" aus dem Drop-Down-Liste, wird das Rauschen erheblich reduziert werden.
# F: Ich habe immer Ihre Windows-Software gekauft und jetzt habe ich änderte meine PC zum Mac.
Kann ich diese Software auf meinem Mac? Oder können Sie mir eine Mac-Version?
A: Alle unsere Software sind plattformunabhängig diejenigen aber nicht plattformübergreifend. Also eine Windows-Software kann nicht auf einem Mac-Computer und umgekehrt installiert werden.
Wenn Sie eine Mac-Version benötigen, bitten wir Sie mit Pavtube Support-Team unter macsupport@pavtube.com kontaktieren.
Oder wenn Sie eine Windows-Version benötigen, bitten wir Sie mit Pavtube Support-Team unter support@pavtube.com kontaktieren.
Der Rabatt wird für eine zweite Kauf zur Verfügung.
# F: Welche Unterschiede bestehen zwischen der Testversion und der Vollversion sind?
A: Eine Trial-Version konvertiert Videos mit Wasserzeichen (das Logo der Pavtube) auf dem Bildschirm und fragt, ob Sie gerne bei jedem Lauf Kauf, während eine Retail-Version können Sie frei verwenden, ohne dabei auf Wasserzeichen. Als Kunde von Pavtube, werden Sie aufgefordert, die Software zu aktualisieren, sobald eine neue Version veröffentlicht werden. Das Update ist kostenfrei für sein Lebenswerk. Außerdem Ihre E-Mails an das erste Mal teilnehmen werden, wird Ihre Beratung und Anforderungen sehr geschätzt werden, wenn wir das Software-Upgrade.
Kann ich diese Software auf meinem Mac? Oder können Sie mir eine Mac-Version?
A: Alle unsere Software sind plattformunabhängig diejenigen aber nicht plattformübergreifend. Also eine Windows-Software kann nicht auf einem Mac-Computer und umgekehrt installiert werden.
Wenn Sie eine Mac-Version benötigen, bitten wir Sie mit Pavtube Support-Team unter macsupport@pavtube.com kontaktieren.
Oder wenn Sie eine Windows-Version benötigen, bitten wir Sie mit Pavtube Support-Team unter support@pavtube.com kontaktieren.
Der Rabatt wird für eine zweite Kauf zur Verfügung.
# F: Welche Unterschiede bestehen zwischen der Testversion und der Vollversion sind?
A: Eine Trial-Version konvertiert Videos mit Wasserzeichen (das Logo der Pavtube) auf dem Bildschirm und fragt, ob Sie gerne bei jedem Lauf Kauf, während eine Retail-Version können Sie frei verwenden, ohne dabei auf Wasserzeichen. Als Kunde von Pavtube, werden Sie aufgefordert, die Software zu aktualisieren, sobald eine neue Version veröffentlicht werden. Das Update ist kostenfrei für sein Lebenswerk. Außerdem Ihre E-Mails an das erste Mal teilnehmen werden, wird Ihre Beratung und Anforderungen sehr geschätzt werden, wenn wir das Software-Upgrade.
Einfache und direkte
Ich mag die Software. Der Hauptgrund, warum ich es gekauft wurde die sehr benutzerfreundliche Schnittstelle. Es ist sehr einfach und direkt. Ich bin ein Filmstudent, und es wandelt alle meine Aufnahmen auf eine kleine Dateigröße, die jeder Fahrt wird Ihnen sagen, ist ein Lebensretter für alle hart. Es gab einen anderen Konverter ich suchte, aber dein gewonnen. 26. März 2010
Schnell und fantastisch
Ihre Anwendung ist fantastisch. Sehr schnelle Konvertierungen und viele Dateiformat-Optionen. Insgesamt sehr zufrieden, danke! Februar 3, 2010
Funktionierte sehr gut
Ich bin mit dem Pavtube Konverter für Premiere konvertieren einige Adobe Video aufgenommen mit meinem Handy Droid für den Einsatz in. Ich konnte es nicht benutzen sie direkt. Ihr Produkt hat sehr gut funktioniert. Ich fand Ihre Software eine Google-Suche für Video-Konverter.
Ich mag die Software. Der Hauptgrund, warum ich es gekauft wurde die sehr benutzerfreundliche Schnittstelle. Es ist sehr einfach und direkt. Ich bin ein Filmstudent, und es wandelt alle meine Aufnahmen auf eine kleine Dateigröße, die jeder Fahrt wird Ihnen sagen, ist ein Lebensretter für alle hart. Es gab einen anderen Konverter ich suchte, aber dein gewonnen. 26. März 2010
Schnell und fantastisch
Ihre Anwendung ist fantastisch. Sehr schnelle Konvertierungen und viele Dateiformat-Optionen. Insgesamt sehr zufrieden, danke! Februar 3, 2010
Funktionierte sehr gut
Ich bin mit dem Pavtube Konverter für Premiere konvertieren einige Adobe Video aufgenommen mit meinem Handy Droid für den Einsatz in. Ich konnte es nicht benutzen sie direkt. Ihr Produkt hat sehr gut funktioniert. Ich fand Ihre Software eine Google-Suche für Video-Konverter.
Erweiterte Audio-und Video-Sync-Technologie
Wegen der Audio-und Video-Sync-Technologie können Sie Videos von Ausgang Apple TV mit besserer Videoqualität unterstützt und lassen Sie nie durch die Audio-und Video-Synchronisation Fragen belästigt werden.
Schnellere Umwandlung Geschwindigkeit
Das Programm hat Multi-Thread-Encoding-Technologie, welche die Umwandlung Geschwindigkeit schneller als je zuvor macht. Das heißt, es wird geschätzt, dass man mindestens die Hälfte der Zeit, der ein Video mit der gleichen Größe konvertieren zu speichern.
Da dieses Programm hat seinen eigenen eingebauten Codec, so wird es nicht installieren anderen Codec auf Ihrem Computer, die das Unerwartete Codec Problem vermeiden können.
Support TiVo
Support TiVo (.* TiVo) Video-Dateien von Ihrem TiVo Desktop.
Erweiterte Audio-und Video-Sync-Technologie
Wegen der Audio-und Video-Sync-Technologie können Sie Videos von Ausgang Apple TV mit besserer Videoqualität unterstützt und lassen Sie nie durch die Audio-und Video-Synchronisation Fragen belästigt werden.
Schnellere Umwandlung Geschwindigkeit
Das Programm hat Multi-Thread-Encoding-Technologie, welche die Umwandlung Geschwindigkeit schneller als je zuvor macht. Das heißt, es wird geschätzt, dass man mindestens die Hälfte der Zeit, der ein Video mit der gleichen Größe konvertieren zu speichern.
Da dieses Programm hat seinen eigenen eingebauten Codec, so wird es nicht installieren anderen Codec auf Ihrem Computer, die das Unerwartete Codec Problem vermeiden können.
Support TiVo
Support TiVo (.* TiVo) Video-Dateien von Ihrem TiVo Desktop.
Leistungsstarke Bearbeitungsfunktionen
Das Programm unterstützt leistungsstarke Editing-Optionen wie trimmen, schneiden, zusammenfügen, und Wasserzeichen. Sie können genau bekommen eine bestimmte Länge des Videos mit Trimm; entzieht dem schwarzen Rändern und unerwünschte Video-Bereich problemlos mit Crop; verschmelzen mehrere Videos in einem größeren Datei für die Konvertierung, indem Sie die Option "Merge in eine Datei" auf dem Hauptbildschirm, wie sowie das Hinzufügen von Text Wasserzeichen Bild Wasserzeichen oder Video-Wasserzeichen auf Ihre Original Video, um es zu personalisieren.
Audio Ersatz
Aktivieren Sie die Audio-Ersatz-Funktion können Sie ersetzen die Original-Audio mit anderen Musik oder Geräusche wie Sie Ihren speziellen Bedarf zu decken.
Leistungsstarke Bearbeitungsfunktionen
Das Programm unterstützt leistungsstarke Editing-Optionen wie trimmen, schneiden, zusammenfügen, und Wasserzeichen. Sie können genau bekommen eine bestimmte Länge des Videos mit Trimm; entzieht dem schwarzen Rändern und unerwünschte Video-Bereich problemlos mit Crop; verschmelzen mehrere Videos in einem größeren Datei für die Konvertierung, indem Sie die Option "Merge in eine Datei" auf dem Hauptbildschirm, wie sowie das Hinzufügen von Text Wasserzeichen Bild Wasserzeichen oder Video-Wasserzeichen auf Ihre Original Video, um es zu personalisieren.
Audio Ersatz
Aktivieren Sie die Audio-Ersatz-Funktion können Sie ersetzen die Original-Audio mit anderen Musik oder Geräusche wie Sie Ihren speziellen Bedarf zu decken.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Apple fans from China waited long hours in front of Apple store in Beijing to get a hold of Apple iPad. Han Ziwen was the first customer who bought legally sold Apple tablet in China. He waited 60 long hours to buy the Apple iPad. Han Ziwen could have purchased the Apple iPad from the black market but he declined. Apple products including iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad are very popular in China.
In the iPod and the iPhone and based on that demand, the iPad will do well here,” Ted Dean, managing director of technology consultancy BDA China, was quoted as saying be Network World.
Apple iPad is 20% more expensive in China than in the United States where the first version costs $ 499.
In the iPod and the iPhone and based on that demand, the iPad will do well here,” Ted Dean, managing director of technology consultancy BDA China, was quoted as saying be Network World.
Apple iPad is 20% more expensive in China than in the United States where the first version costs $ 499.
Monday, October 25, 2010
All-in-one iPhone Ringtone Maker
iPhone Ringtone Maker - Make Ringtones for iPhone
Generally, you can create iPhone ringtones from many songs purchased from the iTunes Store on your computer. Personalize your ringtone by choosing up to 30 seconds of your
favorite song with iTunes ringtone editor. Now, with this free iPhone Ringtone Maker, users can also create ringtones from any video or audio.
make iphone ringtone
iPiPhone Ringtone Maker, a smart iPhone ringtone creating tool, can convert almost all mainstream videso/audio formats
including AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/AVC, AVCHD, MKV, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, MP3 to M4R iPhone ringtone, and transfer the converted M4R ringtone to iPhone
directly without iTunes. Apart from converting common formats to iphone ringtone, the iPhone Ringtone Maker even supports converting music purchased from iTunes store to iPhone
Free download iPhone Ringtone Maker and create your special M4R Ringtones freely.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
All-in-one Video to iPad Converter/M2TS Video Converter/MTS Video Converter
Video iPad Converter-best Video Converter for iPad for Converting Video for iPad with high quality. Guide on How to Convert Videos to iPad and Convert Movies to iPad.
Free download best MTS Video Converter/MTS Files Converter for converting mts files without losing quality. It also enables you to capture mts video files.
Free downlaod M2TS Video Converter/M2TS File Converter,the best Converter for M2TS, to convert m2ts files to all kinds for formats with high output quality.
Monday, September 6, 2010
How to Convert WMF to PDF with WMF to PDF Converter?
WMF to PDF Converter
WMF to PDF Converter, competent wmf to pdf software, is able to convert WMF (Windows Metafile) to pdf file.
WMF, an image format, compatible with Microsoft Windows, popular used for small size. WMF to PDF software, working as a virtual printer, can convert wmf file to pdf easily.
Besides converting pdf file from wmf file, WMF to PDF program features to combine files, compress to minimize file size, set password, etc.
Download WMF to PDF Converter to convert wmf to pdf freely.
* Convert WMF to PDF
* Add Stamp string
* Merge WMF files into one pdf
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Simple Guide: Convert PDF to PNG
Powerful PDF to PNG Converter
PDF to PNG converter is designed to help you convert PDF files to PNG files easily. Free download the best PDF to PNG Converter software.
PDF to PNG Converter is an easy-to-use software for converting PDF documents into PNG files and other image files like GIF, TIFF, JPEG,BMP and EMF files. PDF to PNG Converter can not only convert PDF to image but also convert PDF to Word and TXT files. You do not need any special skills to operate the software. Just click Add File or Add Folder to input document you want to convert to the main PDF toPNG window and click "Convert".

PDF to PNG Converter has many powerful functions: Select the the page you want to convert: All Pages, Current Page and your self-selected page; Set the image quality, output color and resolution; Compatible with any-language PDF files etc.
How to Convert PDF to PNG?
1 Free download the best PDF to PNG Converter, instal and run it. Then click Add File or Add Folder button to browse your computer to find the PDF files you want to convert and load them, you can preview the image with PDF to PNG Converter on the right window.
convert pdf to png
Open the Output Type dropdown list, choose the PNG format as the output format, then click Browse button to select the right output folder to save the converted PDF files.
Select the the page you want to convert: All Pages, Current Page and your self-selected page. You can enter pages numbers and/or page ranges separated by commas.
After everything has been done, click Convert button to start conversion with PDF to PNG Converter.
converting pdf to png
Then you have finished all the converting process. It is easy !! Using PDF to PNG Converter, you will definitely feel that convert PDF file to PNG format is such an enjoyable work. Try it by yourself right now!
PDF to PNG converter is designed to help you convert PDF files to PNG files easily. Free download the best PDF to PNG Converter software.
PDF to PNG Converter is an easy-to-use software for converting PDF documents into PNG files and other image files like GIF, TIFF, JPEG,BMP and EMF files. PDF to PNG Converter can not only convert PDF to image but also convert PDF to Word and TXT files. You do not need any special skills to operate the software. Just click Add File or Add Folder to input document you want to convert to the main PDF toPNG window and click "Convert".
PDF to PNG Converter has many powerful functions: Select the the page you want to convert: All Pages, Current Page and your self-selected page; Set the image quality, output color and resolution; Compatible with any-language PDF files etc.
How to Convert PDF to PNG?
1 Free download the best PDF to PNG Converter, instal and run it. Then click Add File or Add Folder button to browse your computer to find the PDF files you want to convert and load them, you can preview the image with PDF to PNG Converter on the right window.
convert pdf to png
Open the Output Type dropdown list, choose the PNG format as the output format, then click Browse button to select the right output folder to save the converted PDF files.
Select the the page you want to convert: All Pages, Current Page and your self-selected page. You can enter pages numbers and/or page ranges separated by commas.
After everything has been done, click Convert button to start conversion with PDF to PNG Converter.
converting pdf to png
Then you have finished all the converting process. It is easy !! Using PDF to PNG Converter, you will definitely feel that convert PDF file to PNG format is such an enjoyable work. Try it by yourself right now!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
DVD to iPad Converter---Konvertieren DVD to iPad
Konvertieren/umwandeln DVD to iPad mit DVD to iPad Converter
Download (for Windows) Download (for Mac)
Der DVD to iPad Converter können Sie DVD in iPad konvertieren/umwandeln, und DVD to iPad Converter lässt Ihnen DVD Filme auf den Multi-Touch Bildschirm Ihres iPads anschauen können. Sie können DVD in iPad H.264 (SD und HD), MP4 und MOV Videos mit verschiedenen Auflösungen konvertieren.
1.DVD in iPad Video konvertieren
DVD to iPad Converter kann DVD in iPad H.264, MP4, und mov Videos konvertieren und umwandeln.
2.DVD in iPad Audio konvertieren
Der DVD to iPad Converter kann auch Audio aus DVD extrahieren und in iPad MP3, AAC und M4A Audio konvertieren/umwandeln.
3.Segment aus Video rippen
Sie können irgendeinen Teil der DVD in iPad Video konvertieren.
4.Automatischer Datei-Splitter
Der DVD to iPad Converter kann auch eine große Datei in mehrere nach der Dauer und Größe splitten.
5.Vorschau und Snapshot
Ein Built-in einstellbarer Player zur Vorschau der Dateien ist angeboten; Sie können für Ihre geliebte Bildschirme irgendwann einen Schnappschuß machen.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
AVI to iPad Converter
It is so pleasant to own an iPad at hand, but sometimes it doesn't support all video and audio formats. Just take it easy. AVI to iPad
Converter is your best choice which can help you perfectly resolve those problems without limitation. Besides converting avi and other video and audio conversion, AVI to iPad Converter also
let you merge various files into a new one, effect video, trim movies, add watermark, etc to meet your specific needs.
Key features about AVI to iPad Converter.

Wide range of input formats
Besides converting avi to iPad, AVI to iPad Converter supports input all general video/audio and HD video files, such as MPG, MPEG, MPEG 2, VOB, DAT, MP4, M4V, TS, RM, MP3, MP2, AAC, AC3, HD TS,
Powerful output formats
Using this AVI to iPad Converter, you can convert all loaded video or audio files to MPEG-4, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, MOV, M4V, AAC, MP3, WAV, AIFF, and M4A. . What's more, it is applicable to convert
video to images, like JPEG, GIF, and BMP.
Rich editing option
In order to get excellent output quality, AVI to iPad Converter provides you fantastic functions, including trim video segment, cut black edges or unwanted video areas, merge multiple videos into
one or add a text/image watermark to your video.
Advanced setting
With AVI to iPad , it is possible to set Video Encoder, Resolution, Frame Rate, Video Bitrates, Audio Encoder, Sample Rate,
Channels, and Audio Bitrates for your defined profile.
Converter is your best choice which can help you perfectly resolve those problems without limitation. Besides converting avi and other video and audio conversion, AVI to iPad Converter also
let you merge various files into a new one, effect video, trim movies, add watermark, etc to meet your specific needs.
Key features about AVI to iPad Converter.
Wide range of input formats
Besides converting avi to iPad, AVI to iPad Converter supports input all general video/audio and HD video files, such as MPG, MPEG, MPEG 2, VOB, DAT, MP4, M4V, TS, RM, MP3, MP2, AAC, AC3, HD TS,
Powerful output formats
Using this AVI to iPad Converter, you can convert all loaded video or audio files to MPEG-4, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, MOV, M4V, AAC, MP3, WAV, AIFF, and M4A. . What's more, it is applicable to convert
video to images, like JPEG, GIF, and BMP.
Rich editing option
In order to get excellent output quality, AVI to iPad Converter provides you fantastic functions, including trim video segment, cut black edges or unwanted video areas, merge multiple videos into
one or add a text/image watermark to your video.
Advanced setting
With AVI to iPad , it is possible to set Video Encoder, Resolution, Frame Rate, Video Bitrates, Audio Encoder, Sample Rate,
Channels, and Audio Bitrates for your defined profile.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Emicsoft iPad Video Converter is coming, free download is supported
The best Emicsoft iPad Video Converter software can convert to iPad format from AVI, WMV, MPEG, DivX, XviD, VOB, 3GP, FLV, SWF, etc. to iPad MPEG-4, H.264 MPEG-4, MP3, AAC, AIFF and WAV.
With the Video Converter for iPad, it can be so easily realized to split file into clips, alter video dimension, brighten video and strengthen contrast. Users could customize individualized videos with your text logo or image. Free download the iPad Video Converter and enjoy unprecedentedly pleasant enjoyment.
Convert to iPad format with Emicsoft iPad Video Converter
* Created wonderful iPad video/audio files
The best Converter to iPad provides the easiest way to convert video/audio to iPad compatible formats MPEG-4, H.264 MPEG-4, MP3, AAC, AIFF and WAV format.
* Support inputting all formats
Enjoy any video or audio files you like on iPad for the iPad format converter can convert all popular video and audio formats for iPad.
* Complete batch conversion with super speed
Simultaneously input multiple video or audio files and start all conversion tasks. Yes, converting several files at the same time successfully is really so easy.
* Select audio track and subtitle
The newly released and unique function lets users to select audio track and subtitle embedded on the movie and get the output videos with your language.
Optimize output videos with the best iPad Converter software
* Convert certain segment of the file
Get the part of the video you want to convert with this Trim function by setting start time and end time of the file.
* Set playing area
Drag the sliders around the video to realize this function. The iPad Converter software also designs built-in zoom mode including full screen, 16:9 and 4:3.
* Adjust video playing effects
Adjust brightness, contrast and saturation for the output videos. Get the best playing effects.
* Extract pictures randomly
When watching added videos with the built-in video player, take snapshot for the pictures you like and save as GIF, BMP or JPEG.
* Create joint movies
Multiple tasks conversion is available so users could add several files at a time and merge into large one.
With the Video Converter for iPad, it can be so easily realized to split file into clips, alter video dimension, brighten video and strengthen contrast. Users could customize individualized videos with your text logo or image. Free download the iPad Video Converter and enjoy unprecedentedly pleasant enjoyment.
Convert to iPad format with Emicsoft iPad Video Converter
* Created wonderful iPad video/audio files
The best Converter to iPad provides the easiest way to convert video/audio to iPad compatible formats MPEG-4, H.264 MPEG-4, MP3, AAC, AIFF and WAV format.
* Support inputting all formats
Enjoy any video or audio files you like on iPad for the iPad format converter can convert all popular video and audio formats for iPad.
* Complete batch conversion with super speed
Simultaneously input multiple video or audio files and start all conversion tasks. Yes, converting several files at the same time successfully is really so easy.
* Select audio track and subtitle
The newly released and unique function lets users to select audio track and subtitle embedded on the movie and get the output videos with your language.
Optimize output videos with the best iPad Converter software
* Convert certain segment of the file
Get the part of the video you want to convert with this Trim function by setting start time and end time of the file.
* Set playing area
Drag the sliders around the video to realize this function. The iPad Converter software also designs built-in zoom mode including full screen, 16:9 and 4:3.
* Adjust video playing effects
Adjust brightness, contrast and saturation for the output videos. Get the best playing effects.
* Extract pictures randomly
When watching added videos with the built-in video player, take snapshot for the pictures you like and save as GIF, BMP or JPEG.
* Create joint movies
Multiple tasks conversion is available so users could add several files at a time and merge into large one.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
iphone ringtone custom software
Are you looking for an easy-to-use but powerful iPhone Ringtone Custom? Here is the right place.
iPhone Ringtone Custom turns your dream of making your own iPhone/iPhone 3G Ringtone with loved music into reality in the way of converting almost all mainstream video/audio format to M4R iPhone ringtone, such as avi, mpeg, mp4, mov, flv, mp3, aac, m4a, wma, etc. to M4R iPhone Ringtone, even rip DVD Disc to Ringtones for iPhone.

Besides, iPhone Ringtone Custom can transfer the converted M4R ringtone to iPhone directly after conversion. Clipping any music segment as ringtone and pre-listening the music is supported by iPhone Ringtone Custom. Then you can hear the featured ringtone when your friends call you.
For Windows
For Mac
Notice: iPhone Ringtone Custom trail version just permits you to convert Only up to 10 seconds of each file and clip function is unavaiable.

Key Functions of custom iPhone Ringtone
* Convert music or audio files of any format to iPhone ringtone
Almost all audio formats are supported by iPhone Ringtone custom, including MP3, WMA, AAC, WAV, OGG, M4A, etc. custom iphone ringtone
* Convert videos to iPhone ringtone
Create custom iPhone Ringtone can extract music from videos to M4R ringtone, such as AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4, FLV, MKV, H.264/MPEG-44, MOV, M4V, VOB, ASF, 3GP, QT, etc.
* Trim input file to get a clip to convert
Custom iPhone ringtones and set some funny audio clip as your ringtone.
* Transfer ringtone to iPhone directly without iTunes
* A built-in player to preview ringtone before generating the M4R iPhone Ringtone
* Edit your Ringtone
With Custom iPhone 3G Ringtone you can remove your ringtone from your iPhone as you like.
Guide of how to create custom iPhone Ringtones
Preparation: Download and install Aiseesoft iPhone Ringtone Custom.
create custom iPhone ringtones
Step 1: Add file- click "Add File" button to import the file that you want to custom iPhone ringtone from it. If you want to convert DVD to M4R Ringtone, just click "Load DVD".
Step 2: Clip the file to get the wanted music part
Click custom iphone 3G ringtone to listen to the music and find the segment that you want to use it as iPhone ringtone.
Set Start and End Time to get the exact segment exactly.
Click to pre-listen the customed audio before generate to iPhone Ringtone.
Step 3: Set destination- Click "Browse" to choose a folder to save the custom iPhone Ringtone.
Step 4: Click "Generate" to begin making your unique iPhone/iPhone 3G Ringtone.
Just a few clicks, you can complete customize iPhone Ringtone for different call. Free Download iPhone Ringtone Custom and have a try by yourself.
Hope this iPhone Ringtone Custom is helpful to you all.
Free download:http://www.iphoneringtonecustom.com
iPhone Ringtone Custom turns your dream of making your own iPhone/iPhone 3G Ringtone with loved music into reality in the way of converting almost all mainstream video/audio format to M4R iPhone ringtone, such as avi, mpeg, mp4, mov, flv, mp3, aac, m4a, wma, etc. to M4R iPhone Ringtone, even rip DVD Disc to Ringtones for iPhone.
Besides, iPhone Ringtone Custom can transfer the converted M4R ringtone to iPhone directly after conversion. Clipping any music segment as ringtone and pre-listening the music is supported by iPhone Ringtone Custom. Then you can hear the featured ringtone when your friends call you.
For Windows
For Mac
Notice: iPhone Ringtone Custom trail version just permits you to convert Only up to 10 seconds of each file and clip function is unavaiable.
Key Functions of custom iPhone Ringtone
* Convert music or audio files of any format to iPhone ringtone
Almost all audio formats are supported by iPhone Ringtone custom, including MP3, WMA, AAC, WAV, OGG, M4A, etc. custom iphone ringtone
* Convert videos to iPhone ringtone
Create custom iPhone Ringtone can extract music from videos to M4R ringtone, such as AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4, FLV, MKV, H.264/MPEG-44, MOV, M4V, VOB, ASF, 3GP, QT, etc.
* Trim input file to get a clip to convert
Custom iPhone ringtones and set some funny audio clip as your ringtone.
* Transfer ringtone to iPhone directly without iTunes
* A built-in player to preview ringtone before generating the M4R iPhone Ringtone
* Edit your Ringtone
With Custom iPhone 3G Ringtone you can remove your ringtone from your iPhone as you like.
Guide of how to create custom iPhone Ringtones
Preparation: Download and install Aiseesoft iPhone Ringtone Custom.
create custom iPhone ringtones
Step 1: Add file- click "Add File" button to import the file that you want to custom iPhone ringtone from it. If you want to convert DVD to M4R Ringtone, just click "Load DVD".
Step 2: Clip the file to get the wanted music part
Click custom iphone 3G ringtone to listen to the music and find the segment that you want to use it as iPhone ringtone.
Set Start and End Time to get the exact segment exactly.
Click to pre-listen the customed audio before generate to iPhone Ringtone.
Step 3: Set destination- Click "Browse" to choose a folder to save the custom iPhone Ringtone.
Step 4: Click "Generate" to begin making your unique iPhone/iPhone 3G Ringtone.
Just a few clicks, you can complete customize iPhone Ringtone for different call. Free Download iPhone Ringtone Custom and have a try by yourself.
Hope this iPhone Ringtone Custom is helpful to you all.
Free download:http://www.iphoneringtonecustom.com
Friday, July 16, 2010
do you know how to convert mts to your desired format
Powerful and professional High-Definition video Converter
MTS Converter is especially designed for HD video lovers to convert their MTS files to all popular video files like MTS to AVI, MTS to WMV, MTS to MPG, MTS to MOV, MTS to DVD, etc. At the same time, it also supports all other formats that common mobile phone supported.

It provides rich fuctions: capture pictures, setting diverse advanced profiles, create video from pictures, split one source file to several or output certain segment by setting exact time length, etc.
Main Features of MTS Converter
* Convert AVC HD(.MTS) to all standard video formats like AVI, WMV, MPG, MOV, DVD, etc and various audio files like AAC, AC3, MP3, WAV, WMA, etc.
* Support batch conversion, you can import more input mts files to the file playlist
* Provide rich profiles, customize and save your profile for future use
* Capture current pictures by click "snapshot" and save the current image to snapshot folder
* Supports extract audio, pictures from video
* Split one source file to several
recommend you this powerful MTS Converter , hope it is helpful to you.
MTS Converter is especially designed for HD video lovers to convert their MTS files to all popular video files like MTS to AVI, MTS to WMV, MTS to MPG, MTS to MOV, MTS to DVD, etc. At the same time, it also supports all other formats that common mobile phone supported.
It provides rich fuctions: capture pictures, setting diverse advanced profiles, create video from pictures, split one source file to several or output certain segment by setting exact time length, etc.
Main Features of MTS Converter
* Convert AVC HD(.MTS) to all standard video formats like AVI, WMV, MPG, MOV, DVD, etc and various audio files like AAC, AC3, MP3, WAV, WMA, etc.
* Support batch conversion, you can import more input mts files to the file playlist
* Provide rich profiles, customize and save your profile for future use
* Capture current pictures by click "snapshot" and save the current image to snapshot folder
* Supports extract audio, pictures from video
* Split one source file to several
recommend you this powerful MTS Converter , hope it is helpful to you.
Monday, July 12, 2010
MOD Converter-Convert MOD files with just a few simple clicks
Mod Converter-watch world cup in any your favorite format
Mod Converter is a multifunctonal software which can convert MOD, TOD, MPEG, MPG, mod video converter MP4, VOB files to all popular video and audio formats: AVI, WMV, MPG, MPEG, MP4, M4V, RMVB, ASF, MKV, 3GP, FLV, MOD, TOD, MP3, AAC, AC3, WAV, MID, MIDI, WMA, M4A, etc. Fast conversion speeds and high quality, simple guide and very easy to use will satisfy the users.
Mod Converter can convert the .mod files recorded by most popular digital camcorders such as Panasonic SV AV100, Canon MOD Camcorders, JVC (MOD and TOD) and Panasonic (MOD only) to all popular video formats then enjoy it on your computer, iPod, Touch, Nano, iPhone, PSP, Zune, Creative Zen and other Portable Devices.

Besides, this Mod Converter provides strong functions of video effect editing, such as merging several videos into one file, trimming any clip of video, cropping video size to capture your favorite clips.
Key Feathers of Mod Converter# Support Mod, Tod video files to AVI, MPG, MPEG, WMV, MP4, 3GP, DivX, Xvid, FLV, ASF, VOB, etc.
# Extract Mod audio and convert to MP3, AAC, AC3, WAV, MIDI, WMA, M4A, etc.
# Batch files conversion
# Offers powerful video and audio editing functions such as merging several videos into one file, trimming any clip of video, cropping video size
# Adjust the settings such as Resolution, Video Bitrate, Frame Rate, Audio Channels, etc.
# Support large video file, even large than 2GB
Mod Converter creating video quality is beyond your imagination. If you have DV, this Mod Converter is a must-have. Don't hesitate and download the Mod Converter to start converting at once!
Source: http://silence-fly.blogspot.com/2010/07/mod-converter-watch-world-cup-in-any.html
Mod Converter is a multifunctonal software which can convert MOD, TOD, MPEG, MPG, mod video converter MP4, VOB files to all popular video and audio formats: AVI, WMV, MPG, MPEG, MP4, M4V, RMVB, ASF, MKV, 3GP, FLV, MOD, TOD, MP3, AAC, AC3, WAV, MID, MIDI, WMA, M4A, etc. Fast conversion speeds and high quality, simple guide and very easy to use will satisfy the users.
Mod Converter can convert the .mod files recorded by most popular digital camcorders such as Panasonic SV AV100, Canon MOD Camcorders, JVC (MOD and TOD) and Panasonic (MOD only) to all popular video formats then enjoy it on your computer, iPod, Touch, Nano, iPhone, PSP, Zune, Creative Zen and other Portable Devices.
Besides, this Mod Converter provides strong functions of video effect editing, such as merging several videos into one file, trimming any clip of video, cropping video size to capture your favorite clips.
Key Feathers of Mod Converter# Support Mod, Tod video files to AVI, MPG, MPEG, WMV, MP4, 3GP, DivX, Xvid, FLV, ASF, VOB, etc.
# Extract Mod audio and convert to MP3, AAC, AC3, WAV, MIDI, WMA, M4A, etc.
# Batch files conversion
# Offers powerful video and audio editing functions such as merging several videos into one file, trimming any clip of video, cropping video size
# Adjust the settings such as Resolution, Video Bitrate, Frame Rate, Audio Channels, etc.
# Support large video file, even large than 2GB
Mod Converter creating video quality is beyond your imagination. If you have DV, this Mod Converter is a must-have. Don't hesitate and download the Mod Converter to start converting at once!
Source: http://silence-fly.blogspot.com/2010/07/mod-converter-watch-world-cup-in-any.html
Monday, May 31, 2010
From the moment we wake up in the morning till our head hits the pillow at night our lives are filled with questions. Most are easily answered and soon forgotten, but some questions are much harder to ask because we're so afraid of the answer .Will I be around to watch my children grow up ?Am I making mistake by marrying this man? Could he ever truly love me? And what happens when we ask ourselves the hard question and get the answer we'd been hoping for ?Well, that’s when happiness begins.
Family--there is nothing more important. They're the ones who show up when we're in trouble, the ones who push us to succeed, the ones who help keep our secrets .But what of those who have no family to rely on ?What happens to those poor souls...who have no loved ones to help them in their hour of need? Well....most learn to walk life's road by themselves, But a sad few of us...simply...stop trying .
Family--there is nothing more important. They're the ones who show up when we're in trouble, the ones who push us to succeed, the ones who help keep our secrets .But what of those who have no family to rely on ?What happens to those poor souls...who have no loved ones to help them in their hour of need? Well....most learn to walk life's road by themselves, But a sad few of us...simply...stop trying .
Power, it's the type of thing most people don't think about, until it's taken away. Whether it's the political power of the many, or a lover's influence over just one. We all want some sort of power in our lives, if only to give ourselves choices. Yes, to be without choices, to feel utterly powerless, well...it's a lot...like being alone...in the dark.
能量,多数人平日里毫不在意,直到有一天猝然消逝才会察觉。不论是大众的政治权力,还 是恋人间亲亲我我的影响。人生中我们都需要某种能量,哪怕只是给我们一些选择。是的, 假如连选择都没有,假如连一丝能量都没有,那么在黑暗中,蔓延开来的,就是无边无际的 孤独。
Gossip--it's just a harmless form of recreation. It's careless talk that deals in polite fiction. It's nasty speculation that's based on not-so-polite fact. How do we protect ourselves from the numerous string of such idle gossip? The best way is to just tell the truth.
Anyone can end up a victim...injured by the actions of others .But whether the damage is infected by a cunning ex-wife...or a blow delivered by the object of our affection ...the time comes when we must pick ourselves up and continue on our journey .And if we can't ,then all we can pray for ...is rescue .
能量,多数人平日里毫不在意,直到有一天猝然消逝才会察觉。不论是大众的政治权力,还 是恋人间亲亲我我的影响。人生中我们都需要某种能量,哪怕只是给我们一些选择。是的, 假如连选择都没有,假如连一丝能量都没有,那么在黑暗中,蔓延开来的,就是无边无际的 孤独。
Gossip--it's just a harmless form of recreation. It's careless talk that deals in polite fiction. It's nasty speculation that's based on not-so-polite fact. How do we protect ourselves from the numerous string of such idle gossip? The best way is to just tell the truth.
Anyone can end up a victim...injured by the actions of others .But whether the damage is infected by a cunning ex-wife...or a blow delivered by the object of our affection ...the time comes when we must pick ourselves up and continue on our journey .And if we can't ,then all we can pray for ...is rescue .
It's so easy to spot the lonely ones. They’re the people who tell stories to their plants, and whisper secrets to their pets, and have arguments with their TV, and the loneliest of all are the ones who talk to people who are no longer there.
Passion. It's a force so potent we still remember it long after it's faded away. A drive so alluring it can push us to the arms of unexpected lovers. A sensation so overwhelming it can knock down walls we built to protect our hearts. A feeling so intense it resurfaces even though we try so hard to keep it buried. Yes, of all emotions, passion is the one that gives us a reason to live and an excuse to commit all sorts of crimes.
Passion. It's a force so potent we still remember it long after it's faded away. A drive so alluring it can push us to the arms of unexpected lovers. A sensation so overwhelming it can knock down walls we built to protect our hearts. A feeling so intense it resurfaces even though we try so hard to keep it buried. Yes, of all emotions, passion is the one that gives us a reason to live and an excuse to commit all sorts of crimes.
Recapturing the past is a tricky business. While most memories are simply souvenirs of a happier time, others can be quite deadly.
In every housewife's closet, there's an article of clothing that tells you more about its owner than she would want you to know. It might be a T-shirt that she despises but wears without complaint. Perhaps it's some lingerie, she knows isn't hers, but refuses to discuss... Or a dress she once loved, that she can no longer bear to look at this. You can learn a lot about women from what they choose to wear. You can learn even more by what they choose to take off, and who they take it off for.
Recapturing the past is a tricky business. While most memories are simply souvenirs of a happier time, others can be quite deadly.
In every housewife's closet, there's an article of clothing that tells you more about its owner than she would want you to know. It might be a T-shirt that she despises but wears without complaint. Perhaps it's some lingerie, she knows isn't hers, but refuses to discuss... Or a dress she once loved, that she can no longer bear to look at this. You can learn a lot about women from what they choose to wear. You can learn even more by what they choose to take off, and who they take it off for.
It's a dangerous world. So we all look for protection. And whether we find it in the arms of our mother, or at the end of a jagged blade, or in the kiss of our sweetheart, or at the end of a barrel. We do what we have to feel safe.
Because we know somewhere in the world there are those who would do us harm.
Yes, it can happen so quickly. Life as we know it can change in the blink of an eye. Unlikely friendships can blossom. Important careers can be tossed aside. A long -lost hope can be rekindled. Still, we should be grateful for whatever changes life throws at us, because all too soon the day will come when there are no changes left.
Because we know somewhere in the world there are those who would do us harm.
Yes, it can happen so quickly. Life as we know it can change in the blink of an eye. Unlikely friendships can blossom. Important careers can be tossed aside. A long -lost hope can be rekindled. Still, we should be grateful for whatever changes life throws at us, because all too soon the day will come when there are no changes left.
Dangerous men walk among us.And we can’t always be sure who they are or what secret they hide.But once our suspicious are confirmed,We can take action.Once their agenda were revealed,We can take steps to protect ourselves and those we love. Yes, dangerous men can cause great harm, But sometimes the greatest dangerous they pose is to themselves.
危险的人在我们之中潜伏。我们不是总能肯定他们是谁,或者他们隐藏着怎样的秘密.但是最可怕的疑虑得到证实。我们就可以采取行动。一旦他们的行事议程被揭露。我们就能采取措施保护自己和我们爱的人。是的,危险的人会造成巨大的伤害。但是人有时候他们所做有最危险的事, 是对他们自己做的。
There's a reason people can't wait for Christmas, and it has little to do with family reunions. Or curling up with a cup of eggnog.with that unexpected kiss beneath the mistletoe,or receiving a present from a special someone. No, people look forward to Christmas.Because they know, it's a time for miracles.
危险的人在我们之中潜伏。我们不是总能肯定他们是谁,或者他们隐藏着怎样的秘密.但是最可怕的疑虑得到证实。我们就可以采取行动。一旦他们的行事议程被揭露。我们就能采取措施保护自己和我们爱的人。是的,危险的人会造成巨大的伤害。但是人有时候他们所做有最危险的事, 是对他们自己做的。
There's a reason people can't wait for Christmas, and it has little to do with family reunions. Or curling up with a cup of eggnog.with that unexpected kiss beneath the mistletoe,or receiving a present from a special someone. No, people look forward to Christmas.Because they know, it's a time for miracles.
There is a place in St. Timothy church where sinners go to confess their sins. And once they are done, they expect absolution.But the truth is, not all confessions are worthy of such forgiveness.Most who unveil his agendas deserve the condemnation they receive.Most who disclose revengeful motives marry the punishment that follows. Only the truly repentant at any right at all expect a second chance. Were just why it's best to think twice before you confess.Especially if you don’t know what it is you're confessing to.
St.Timothy 教堂有处罪人忏悔的地方,当他们忏悔完,都期待能得到宽恕,但事实上,不是所有忏悔都值得被原谅。大多数人,秘密计划败露了,得到应有的谴责。大多数人, 报复动机暴露了,得到随之而来的惩罚,只有真心悔过,才有权利获得第二次机会。这就是为什么最好在你忏悔前先三思而后行…尤其是如果你不知道你在忏悔什么.
Sweetie, we can't prevent what can't predict.Isn't there anything I could do? Yes, yes. You can enjoy this beautiful day.We get so few of them.
There are so many things we wish we could tell the young.We'd like to persuade them not to grow up so fast.But they won't listen.We want to tell them the beauty face but they refuse to believe it.We worn them that their actions will have consequences, but still they defy us.Suddenly the young can began to understand the world is a dangerous place. So it’s up to us to do anything we can to protect them, Absolutely anything.
St.Timothy 教堂有处罪人忏悔的地方,当他们忏悔完,都期待能得到宽恕,但事实上,不是所有忏悔都值得被原谅。大多数人,秘密计划败露了,得到应有的谴责。大多数人, 报复动机暴露了,得到随之而来的惩罚,只有真心悔过,才有权利获得第二次机会。这就是为什么最好在你忏悔前先三思而后行…尤其是如果你不知道你在忏悔什么.
Sweetie, we can't prevent what can't predict.Isn't there anything I could do? Yes, yes. You can enjoy this beautiful day.We get so few of them.
There are so many things we wish we could tell the young.We'd like to persuade them not to grow up so fast.But they won't listen.We want to tell them the beauty face but they refuse to believe it.We worn them that their actions will have consequences, but still they defy us.Suddenly the young can began to understand the world is a dangerous place. So it’s up to us to do anything we can to protect them, Absolutely anything.
我们都有要改写历史的原因。有时候我们需要给自己找一些托辞。有时我们想要伤害那些曾经伤害过我们的人, 有时我们只是不想自己困窘难堪。当然,有时改写历史只是另一种方式去说谎。但是,历史究竟是什么呢。。。。难道只是一系列的谎言吗?
Sabotage, everyone is capable of it. But some go about it more cruelness than the others.Like the ones who create vengeance… Or the ones who hunger for love. Or the ones who were determined to burn bridges. And then there are those who simply wants something…Something that belongs to someone else.
阴谋破坏,每个人都能做,但有些人可以做得更加冷酷。像那些渴望复仇的人。。。像那些寻觅爱情的人。。。像那些决定一刀两断的人。。。也有些人的愿望简单而直接。。。有时候, 那属于其他人。
Sabotage, everyone is capable of it. But some go about it more cruelness than the others.Like the ones who create vengeance… Or the ones who hunger for love. Or the ones who were determined to burn bridges. And then there are those who simply wants something…Something that belongs to someone else.
阴谋破坏,每个人都能做,但有些人可以做得更加冷酷。像那些渴望复仇的人。。。像那些寻觅爱情的人。。。像那些决定一刀两断的人。。。也有些人的愿望简单而直接。。。有时候, 那属于其他人。
We all carry something with us. Of course, it's nice if we travel with some one who can help lighten the load. But usually, it's easier to just drop what we've been carrying so we can get home that much sooner. Assuming, of course, there will be someone there to greet us when we arrive. Why do we clutch at this baggage, even when we're desperate to move on? Because we all know there's a chance we might let go too soon.
我们都在负重前行。当然,能结伴而行会很幸福, 有人帮助分担重负。但通常抛掉负担会更简单。这样我们就能早日归家。设想着,当然,有人会在家迎接我们归来。为什么有人仍然抓住行李不放,即使我们不顾一切的向前看。因为我们都知道,有的机会也许我们放弃的太快。
We all have our reasons for rewriting history. Sometimes we need to provide ourselves alibis. Sometimes we wanna hurt someone who has hurt us, and then there are times we just wanna spare ourselves embarrassment. Of course, there are some who feel that to rewrite history is just another way to lie. But what is history anyway....But a set of lies agree depend?
We all carry something with us. Of course, it's nice if we travel with some one who can help lighten the load. But usually, it's easier to just drop what we've been carrying so we can get home that much sooner. Assuming, of course, there will be someone there to greet us when we arrive. Why do we clutch at this baggage, even when we're desperate to move on? Because we all know there's a chance we might let go too soon.
我们都在负重前行。当然,能结伴而行会很幸福, 有人帮助分担重负。但通常抛掉负担会更简单。这样我们就能早日归家。设想着,当然,有人会在家迎接我们归来。为什么有人仍然抓住行李不放,即使我们不顾一切的向前看。因为我们都知道,有的机会也许我们放弃的太快。
We all have our reasons for rewriting history. Sometimes we need to provide ourselves alibis. Sometimes we wanna hurt someone who has hurt us, and then there are times we just wanna spare ourselves embarrassment. Of course, there are some who feel that to rewrite history is just another way to lie. But what is history anyway....But a set of lies agree depend?
Every storm brings with it hope that somehow by morning, everything will be made clean again. And even the most troubling stains will have disappeared. Like the doubts over his innocence, or the consequence of his mistake, like the scars of his betrayal, or the memory of his kiss. So we wait for the storm to pass hoping for the best, even though we know in our hearts some stains are so indelible, nothing can wash them away.
每随风暴而来的是希望——不论如何,到了早晨,一切都会变干净,即使最顽固的污点也会消失。像对清白的疑惑,错误的结果,背叛的创伤,亲吻的记忆。我们等待着风暴退却,期待着雨过天睛。即使我们清楚在心中, 有些污点是如此顽固,没有什么能将它们清除。
Have you met the perfect couple? The two soul mates whose love never dies? The two lovers whose relationship is never threatened. The husband and wife who trust each other completely. If you haven't met the perfect couple, let me introduce you. They stand atop a layer of butter cream frosting. The secret of their success? Well, for starters, they don't have to look at each other.
每随风暴而来的是希望——不论如何,到了早晨,一切都会变干净,即使最顽固的污点也会消失。像对清白的疑惑,错误的结果,背叛的创伤,亲吻的记忆。我们等待着风暴退却,期待着雨过天睛。即使我们清楚在心中, 有些污点是如此顽固,没有什么能将它们清除。
Have you met the perfect couple? The two soul mates whose love never dies? The two lovers whose relationship is never threatened. The husband and wife who trust each other completely. If you haven't met the perfect couple, let me introduce you. They stand atop a layer of butter cream frosting. The secret of their success? Well, for starters, they don't have to look at each other.
It's a shocking moment for each of us that moment we realize we are all alone in this world. The family we take for granted could one day abandon us; the husband we trust so implicitly might betray us; the daughter we love so deeply perhaps won't return to us. And then we could end up all by ourselves.
This is the street where I used to live, and these were the people with whom I shared my life. I met them the day they moved in, and I saw what they brought with them - beautiful dreams for the future and quiet hopes for a better life not just for themselves, but for their children, too. If I could, would I tell them what lies ahead? Would I warn them of the sorrow and betrayal that lie in store? No, from where I stand now, I see enough of the road to understand how it must be traveled. The trick is to keep moving forward to let go of the fear and the regret that slow us down and keep us from enjoying a journey that will be over too soon. Yes, there will be unexpected bends in the road, shocking surprises we didn't see coming, but that's really the point, don't you think?
This is the street where I used to live, and these were the people with whom I shared my life. I met them the day they moved in, and I saw what they brought with them - beautiful dreams for the future and quiet hopes for a better life not just for themselves, but for their children, too. If I could, would I tell them what lies ahead? Would I warn them of the sorrow and betrayal that lie in store? No, from where I stand now, I see enough of the road to understand how it must be traveled. The trick is to keep moving forward to let go of the fear and the regret that slow us down and keep us from enjoying a journey that will be over too soon. Yes, there will be unexpected bends in the road, shocking surprises we didn't see coming, but that's really the point, don't you think?
祈祷赐给我们力量,让我们能够面对不愿接受的事实。祈祷的力量来自它对人性的洞察力;因为太多的人对我们的生活充满愤怒;因为太多的人过于懦弱,不敢拍案而起;因为太多的 人无法选择的时候,选择对绝望妥协。好消息是敢于把话说出口的人,上帝会听到你的祈祷 并回答你。坏消息是有的时候上帝的答案是否定的。
When the truth is ugly, people try to keep it hidden, because they know if revealed, the damage it will do. So they conceal it within sturdy walls, or they place it behind closed doors, or they obscure it with clever disguises, but truth , no matter how ugly, always emerges, and someone we care about always ends up getting hurt, and someone else will revel in their pain, and that's the ugliest truth of all.
When the truth is ugly, people try to keep it hidden, because they know if revealed, the damage it will do. So they conceal it within sturdy walls, or they place it behind closed doors, or they obscure it with clever disguises, but truth , no matter how ugly, always emerges, and someone we care about always ends up getting hurt, and someone else will revel in their pain, and that's the ugliest truth of all.
We've all done something in our lives us we are ashamed of, some of us have fallen for the wrong man, some have let go of the right women, there're those who have humiliated their parents and those who have failed their children. Yes, we've all made mistakes that diminish us and those we love. But there is redemption if we try to learn from those mistakes and grow.
我们都做过一些自己都感到惭愧的事。有些人爱错了人,有些人错过了爱;有些孩子使父母 丢脸,也有些家长让孩子失望。是的,我们都犯过错使我们爱的人离我们而去。但如果我们 试着从这些错误中吸取教训并成长,就还有挽回的机会。
There's is a prayer intended to give strength to people faced with circumstances they don't want to accept. The power of the prayer comes from its insight into human nature. Because so many of us rage against the hand that life has dealt us; Because so many of us are cowardly, and afraid to stand up for what is right; Because so many of us give in to despair, when faced with an impossible choice. The good news for those who utter these words is that god will hear you and answer your prayer. The bad news is that sometimes the answer is no.
We've all done something in our lives us we are ashamed of, some of us have fallen for the wrong man, some have let go of the right women, there're those who have humiliated their parents and those who have failed their children. Yes, we've all made mistakes that diminish us and those we love. But there is redemption if we try to learn from those mistakes and grow.
我们都做过一些自己都感到惭愧的事。有些人爱错了人,有些人错过了爱;有些孩子使父母 丢脸,也有些家长让孩子失望。是的,我们都犯过错使我们爱的人离我们而去。但如果我们 试着从这些错误中吸取教训并成长,就还有挽回的机会。
There's is a prayer intended to give strength to people faced with circumstances they don't want to accept. The power of the prayer comes from its insight into human nature. Because so many of us rage against the hand that life has dealt us; Because so many of us are cowardly, and afraid to stand up for what is right; Because so many of us give in to despair, when faced with an impossible choice. The good news for those who utter these words is that god will hear you and answer your prayer. The bad news is that sometimes the answer is no.
就在Hanson Mills医生切断另一根脐带的时候,小镇上其他的联系也被切断了。像一个母亲和儿子之间,母亲不想孩子那么快就长大;一箱好酒和主妇之间的关系,主妇不想承认她酗酒;或是一个女人和男友之间的关系,男友不能原谅她的背叛。选择离开我们的爱是痛苦的,更糟糕的是我们信任的人让我们做这样的选择。
Temptation comes to all of us, whether or not we succumb depends on our ability to recognize its disguise, sometimes it arrives in a form of an old flame, flickering back to life, or a new friend who could end up being so much more, or a young child who wakens feelings we didn't know we had. And so we give in to temptation all the while knowing come morning, we'll have to suffer the consequences.
每个人都会受到诱惑,我们是否屈服与诱惑决定于我们识破其伪装的能力。有时它们以闪回的火花形式出现;有时是一个意义深远的新朋友;有时是一个触发我们不曾有过的感觉的婴 儿。不过如果我们屈服于诱惑,那么第二天我们必须承担后果。
Temptation comes to all of us, whether or not we succumb depends on our ability to recognize its disguise, sometimes it arrives in a form of an old flame, flickering back to life, or a new friend who could end up being so much more, or a young child who wakens feelings we didn't know we had. And so we give in to temptation all the while knowing come morning, we'll have to suffer the consequences.
每个人都会受到诱惑,我们是否屈服与诱惑决定于我们识破其伪装的能力。有时它们以闪回的火花形式出现;有时是一个意义深远的新朋友;有时是一个触发我们不曾有过的感觉的婴 儿。不过如果我们屈服于诱惑,那么第二天我们必须承担后果。
Sunday, May 16, 2010
flv to iphone---newly released flv to iphone converter
As iphone becomes one of the most popular 3G phones today, more users have to find a better ways to enjoy video formats on iphone, such as FLV, AVI, MOV, VOB, MKV, HD Videos, AVCHD, etc. So many video to iphone converters may blind your eyes. How to choose the most proper and the best converter for your iPhone?
Here, I would like to recommend you this best FLV to iPhone converter, which supports to import FLV and various video formats, extract audio from video for conversion. Besides, you also can rip DVDs/CDs to iPhone.
The belowed tips will tell you how to step by step convert FLV to iPhone with the powerful iPhone video converter software.
1. Free download the powerful and simple-to-use FLV to iPhone Converter, install and launch.
2. Add the FLV video files from the "File" menu in batches.
3. Choose the proper output folder and the profile "iPhone" format.
4. Click "Convert" button! After a few minutes waiting, you can play the converted FLV files on iPhone.
Tips 1: If you need, append many tasks at one time and the iPhone video converter will convert them one by one for saving your time.
Tips 2: FLV to iPhone Converter software provides various video formats such as MPEG-4 480P, MPEG-4(480X320), MPEG-4(320X240) for iPhone.
Tips 3: As powerful FLV to iPhone converter software, it can create iPhone MP4 video from pictures in JPG, BMP, GIF or PNG format, convert various video files to iPhone MP3 AAC, M4A music file, and convert other audio formats to iPhone MP3, AAC, and M4A.
User-friendly interface and fast conversion speed make the whole FLV to iPhone video conversion much easier and faster. Why not have a try, you will find more information at: FLV to iPhone.
Here, I would like to recommend you this best FLV to iPhone converter, which supports to import FLV and various video formats, extract audio from video for conversion. Besides, you also can rip DVDs/CDs to iPhone.
The belowed tips will tell you how to step by step convert FLV to iPhone with the powerful iPhone video converter software.
1. Free download the powerful and simple-to-use FLV to iPhone Converter, install and launch.
2. Add the FLV video files from the "File" menu in batches.
3. Choose the proper output folder and the profile "iPhone" format.
4. Click "Convert" button! After a few minutes waiting, you can play the converted FLV files on iPhone.
Tips 1: If you need, append many tasks at one time and the iPhone video converter will convert them one by one for saving your time.
Tips 2: FLV to iPhone Converter software provides various video formats such as MPEG-4 480P, MPEG-4(480X320), MPEG-4(320X240) for iPhone.
Tips 3: As powerful FLV to iPhone converter software, it can create iPhone MP4 video from pictures in JPG, BMP, GIF or PNG format, convert various video files to iPhone MP3 AAC, M4A music file, and convert other audio formats to iPhone MP3, AAC, and M4A.
User-friendly interface and fast conversion speed make the whole FLV to iPhone video conversion much easier and faster. Why not have a try, you will find more information at: FLV to iPhone.
Monday, April 26, 2010
How to convert ipad to itunes? here is the answer.
Transferring iPad files to PC or iTunes library seems like an impossible task? Now it is available. With iMacsoft iPad to iTunes, it is
all possible! This iPad Transfer software not only let you transfer videos, music, photos, podcasts, and TV shows from iPad to iTunes and vice versa, but it also allows you to
copy files from iPad directly to PC. And it's compatible with the latest iTunes 9.1.
iMacsoft iPad to iTunes is easy-to-use and fewer clicks are enough. Only import and export your iPad to itunes, select music, videos,
images what you want to backup via iPad playlist. Any information won't not be erased when transferring iPad files with this iPad to itunes Transfer software.
Main Functions of iPad to iTunes
* iPad/iPod/iPhone/iTunes Supported
iPad to itunes Transfer can manage iPad and all iPod types including iPod, iPod nano, iPod classic, iPod shuffle, iPod Mini, iPod touch, iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS and
even iPod nano 5. iPhone OS 3.1.3, iPod touch FW 3.1.3 and iTunes 9.1 are now supported;
* Transfer iPad to itunes
Transfer iPad songs, videos, photos, TV Shows and podcasts from iPad to itunes at high speed;
* Transfer iPad to iTunes
Copy your iPad songs, videos, photos, TV Shows and podcasts from iPad to iTunes library directly;
Key Features of iPad to iTunes
* Search files quickly
Filter and quick search tools are provided for you to find what you want quickly and easily when you transfer music and videos from iPad to iTunes library;
* iPad info shown
All infomation about iPad model, capacity, version, format and serial number are shown automatically as connect your iPad with itunes;
* Manage iPad as hard disk
Open your iPad with Windows Explore to make you manage it as a portable hard disk;
* Two view modes
Modes for viewing music, movies and photos, creating new playlist, adding illustration for video in thumbnail mode;
* Other features
Support multiple languages including simplified Chinese and English; and the changeable skins;
all possible! This iPad Transfer software not only let you transfer videos, music, photos, podcasts, and TV shows from iPad to iTunes and vice versa, but it also allows you to
copy files from iPad directly to PC. And it's compatible with the latest iTunes 9.1.
iMacsoft iPad to iTunes is easy-to-use and fewer clicks are enough. Only import and export your iPad to itunes, select music, videos,
images what you want to backup via iPad playlist. Any information won't not be erased when transferring iPad files with this iPad to itunes Transfer software.
Main Functions of iPad to iTunes
* iPad/iPod/iPhone/iTunes Supported
iPad to itunes Transfer can manage iPad and all iPod types including iPod, iPod nano, iPod classic, iPod shuffle, iPod Mini, iPod touch, iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS and
even iPod nano 5. iPhone OS 3.1.3, iPod touch FW 3.1.3 and iTunes 9.1 are now supported;
* Transfer iPad to itunes
Transfer iPad songs, videos, photos, TV Shows and podcasts from iPad to itunes at high speed;
* Transfer iPad to iTunes
Copy your iPad songs, videos, photos, TV Shows and podcasts from iPad to iTunes library directly;
Key Features of iPad to iTunes
* Search files quickly
Filter and quick search tools are provided for you to find what you want quickly and easily when you transfer music and videos from iPad to iTunes library;
* iPad info shown
All infomation about iPad model, capacity, version, format and serial number are shown automatically as connect your iPad with itunes;
* Manage iPad as hard disk
Open your iPad with Windows Explore to make you manage it as a portable hard disk;
* Two view modes
Modes for viewing music, movies and photos, creating new playlist, adding illustration for video in thumbnail mode;
* Other features
Support multiple languages including simplified Chinese and English; and the changeable skins;
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
3GP to iPad---Strongly recommended
I choose this all-in-one 3GP to iPad converter from so many ipad converters, for it is easy to handle and really fast in speed, just a few simple clicks you can convert 3pg to ipad with high output quality.
Step-by-step guides:
1. Click"Add File" button to load multiple files. 3GP to iPad support batch conversion and merge files as well. Preview is also applicable.
2. Click "edit" to edit effect video, crop movie size/unwanted edges or trim video length to clip any favorite video segment as you like. To add watermark is supported as well.
3. After editing video, just click "setting" to choose suitable format for iPad, you also can set advanced video encoder, resolution, frame rate and video bitrates. And then clcik browse to select destination to save as output folder.
4. When you finish all steps as above showing, now you can click "convert" to start to convert 3GP to iPad at once.
OK, all steps of converting 3GP to iPad is complete, so easy it is! Don't hesitate, just try 3GP to iPad by your own. Free download supported!
Step-by-step guides:
1. Click"Add File" button to load multiple files. 3GP to iPad support batch conversion and merge files as well. Preview is also applicable.
2. Click "edit" to edit effect video, crop movie size/unwanted edges or trim video length to clip any favorite video segment as you like. To add watermark is supported as well.
3. After editing video, just click "setting" to choose suitable format for iPad, you also can set advanced video encoder, resolution, frame rate and video bitrates. And then clcik browse to select destination to save as output folder.
4. When you finish all steps as above showing, now you can click "convert" to start to convert 3GP to iPad at once.
OK, all steps of converting 3GP to iPad is complete, so easy it is! Don't hesitate, just try 3GP to iPad by your own. Free download supported!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
hd video converter
HD Video Converter
mp4 to flv converter
MP4 to FLV Converter
也许你不熟悉伊娃·门德斯这个名字,但是你肯定对Calvin Klein秘密诱惑香水广告里那个性感得让人喷血的女模特印象深刻。那个美得让女人不忍心嫉妒的女人,就是伊娃·门德斯。
也许你不熟悉伊娃·门德斯这个名字,但是你肯定对Calvin Klein秘密诱惑香水广告里那个性感得让人喷血的女模特印象深刻。那个美得让女人不忍心嫉妒的女人,就是伊娃·门德斯。
video converter
Video Converter
DVD to blackberry converter
DVD to Blackberry Converter
DVD to iPhone Converter
DVD to iPhone Converter
其次,从行政职务逐渐转型到HR,也是充分体现了杜拉拉的睿智。行政属于支持部门,说白了就是企业的“保姆”、“勤杂工”,忙前忙后的琐碎活儿都是他们的,没有高附加值(value added)的部分,而且从职业发展阶梯来讲,几乎是没有继续上升的空间了。即便你做了最高层的行政经理,也无非就是个“领头”打杂的。胸有大志的人怎么可以做这些?还没有听说哪位精英是靠修理水管、换日光灯管出名的。
其次,从行政职务逐渐转型到HR,也是充分体现了杜拉拉的睿智。行政属于支持部门,说白了就是企业的“保姆”、“勤杂工”,忙前忙后的琐碎活儿都是他们的,没有高附加值(value added)的部分,而且从职业发展阶梯来讲,几乎是没有继续上升的空间了。即便你做了最高层的行政经理,也无非就是个“领头”打杂的。胸有大志的人怎么可以做这些?还没有听说哪位精英是靠修理水管、换日光灯管出名的。
Monday, February 22, 2010
How to converter dvd to itouch?
DVD to iTouch Converter---Easily convert dvd to iTouch for Windows
(DVD to iTouch converter software distributed by Emicsoft Studio)
There is really no such a perfect dvd to iTouch converting software as DVD to iTouch Converter. DVD to iTouch Converter is a vesatile software which can convert dvd files to iTouch, iPod nano, iPod classic, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, Creative Zen, Sony Walkman, Pocket PC, and other video devices. Besides convertng DVD files to compatible video devices, DVD to iTouch Converter supports convert dvd to avi, flv, mpg, mp4, mov, vob, ogg, ac3, wmv, ect. Trimming videos, cropping videos and applying special effects functions allow you to edit your videos before converting DVD to iTouch, or other devices.
DVD to iTouch Converter
Buy Now! | Free Trial
Key features of DVD to iTouch Converter:
*Supports convert DVD to various video and audio formats
DVD to iTouch Converter supports convert DVD files to various formats including, avi, flv, 3gp, mov, vob, wmv, mp4, ogg, ac3, rmvb, aac, wma, ect.
*Supports convert DVD to Compatible video devices
DVD to iTouch Converter allows you to convert DVD to all popular video devices like iTouch, iPod nano, iPod classic, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, Creative Zen, Archos, Sony Walkman, and so forth.
*Trim videos
DVD to iTouch Converter supports you to trim videos according to your video devices, setting start time and end time by dragging the arrows.
*Crop videos
DVD to iTouch Converter allows you to crop videos, removing black sides.
*Preview windows supported
DVD to iTouch Converter enables you to preview videos you want to convert before converting process.
*Customize video settings
DVD to iTouch Converter supports you to customize video settings, such as set video size, video frame rate, bitrate, resolution, ect.
For Mac
If you are Mac users, DVD to iTouch Converter for Mac is waiting for you. No matter you want to convert dvd to iTouch for mac, iPod nano, iPod classic, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, Creative Zen, ect, DVD to iTouch Converter can meet all your demands. Powerful editing functions are main features of DVD to iTouch Converter for Mac, including trim videos, crop videos, apply special effects. In addition, preview window and batch conversion mode are supported by DVD to iTouch Converter for Mac as well.
dvd to itouch converter for mac
Buy Now! | get Intel version | get Powerpc version
Key features of DVD to iTouch Converter for Mac:
* Convert DVD to compatible video devices(iTouch, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, ect)
*Convert DVD to all popular video and audio formats for mac, like avi, flv, mp4, 3gp, mov, vob, rmvb, ogg, ac3, ect.
*Trim and crop videos on Mac system at will
*Preview windows and batch conversion mode supported.
(DVD to iTouch converter software distributed by Emicsoft Studio)
There is really no such a perfect dvd to iTouch converting software as DVD to iTouch Converter. DVD to iTouch Converter is a vesatile software which can convert dvd files to iTouch, iPod nano, iPod classic, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, Creative Zen, Sony Walkman, Pocket PC, and other video devices. Besides convertng DVD files to compatible video devices, DVD to iTouch Converter supports convert dvd to avi, flv, mpg, mp4, mov, vob, ogg, ac3, wmv, ect. Trimming videos, cropping videos and applying special effects functions allow you to edit your videos before converting DVD to iTouch, or other devices.
DVD to iTouch Converter
Buy Now! | Free Trial
Key features of DVD to iTouch Converter:
*Supports convert DVD to various video and audio formats
DVD to iTouch Converter supports convert DVD files to various formats including, avi, flv, 3gp, mov, vob, wmv, mp4, ogg, ac3, rmvb, aac, wma, ect.
*Supports convert DVD to Compatible video devices
DVD to iTouch Converter allows you to convert DVD to all popular video devices like iTouch, iPod nano, iPod classic, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, Creative Zen, Archos, Sony Walkman, and so forth.
*Trim videos
DVD to iTouch Converter supports you to trim videos according to your video devices, setting start time and end time by dragging the arrows.
*Crop videos
DVD to iTouch Converter allows you to crop videos, removing black sides.
*Preview windows supported
DVD to iTouch Converter enables you to preview videos you want to convert before converting process.
*Customize video settings
DVD to iTouch Converter supports you to customize video settings, such as set video size, video frame rate, bitrate, resolution, ect.
For Mac
If you are Mac users, DVD to iTouch Converter for Mac is waiting for you. No matter you want to convert dvd to iTouch for mac, iPod nano, iPod classic, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, Creative Zen, ect, DVD to iTouch Converter can meet all your demands. Powerful editing functions are main features of DVD to iTouch Converter for Mac, including trim videos, crop videos, apply special effects. In addition, preview window and batch conversion mode are supported by DVD to iTouch Converter for Mac as well.
dvd to itouch converter for mac
Buy Now! | get Intel version | get Powerpc version
Key features of DVD to iTouch Converter for Mac:
* Convert DVD to compatible video devices(iTouch, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, ect)
*Convert DVD to all popular video and audio formats for mac, like avi, flv, mp4, 3gp, mov, vob, rmvb, ogg, ac3, ect.
*Trim and crop videos on Mac system at will
*Preview windows and batch conversion mode supported.
dvd to ipod converter
The essential DVD converter for your iPod! Use DVD to iPod Converter to rip or convert DVDs into formats playable on your iPod such as MP4, MP3, AAC and M4A with superb sound and picture quality. You may also rip music from your favorite DVD movies to play on your iPod or even on your iPhone.
Equipped with a wide array of profiles and functions, there's always a fitting solution to any type of DVD movie for play in your iPod. With a smart built-in Bitrate Calculator, you are able to know the output size before you even start converting with Xilisoft DVD to iPod Converter.
* Convert DVD to video (MP4, MPEG-4) or audio (MP3, M4A, AAC) for iPod and iPhone
* Support all types of iPod and iPhone
* Capture pictures from DVD movies
iPod Rip
Users Who Downloaded This Also Downloaded
iPod Rip
iPod Rip
Now supports iPhone OS 3.1
Rip & copy music, videos, photos, podcasts between iPod and PC. Support iPod to iTunes transfer.
iPhone Ringtone Maker
iPhone Ringtone Maker
Now supports iPhone OS 3.1
Convert pop video/audio formats to iPhone ringtone. Transfer converted ringtone to iPhone directly.
* Tutorial
* References
* System Requirements
DVD to iPod converter
Enjoy DVD Movies in your iPod on-the-go!
Turn your DVD movies into iPod MP4, MP3 for enjoying on-the-go
DVD to iPod
* Convert DVD videos to iPod
Show off DVD movies on your iPod, iPod touch, iPod classic, iPod nano and even iPhone.
* Rip DVD Audio to iPod
Rip and convert DVD music to iPod audio (MP3, M4A, AAC) so you can listen to your favorite movie scores on your iPod anywhere you go!
* Get DVD Info
Download DVD info on the internet automatically while loading so you are able to add more information like film title, actors/actresses, chapter titles, scene names and more.
DVD to iPod Converter
Plenty of Optional Settings
Simple converting process but diverse output choices
DVD to iPod ripper
* One File; Numerous Output
To save time, a single file can be set with multiple profiles for multiple outputs.
* Know the File Size Before You Convert
A smart Bitrate Calculator tool to compute the output file size for your convenience.
* Custom DVD Rip
Want to clip a favorite scene? Set your preferred clip start and end time. Want to split file to fit your iPod? Set split file size and time your way. You can even customize an existing profile and save it as your own.
Rip DVD to iPod
Quick DVD to iPod conversion
A fast way to convert DVD movies for iPod and iPhone
Copy DVD to iPod
* High Speed Copy from DVD to iPod
Supports multithreading and batch processing, so not a second is wasted!
* Run in Background
Do other tasks while the conversion is running in the background.
* Automatic Check for Updates
Checks software updates for you, automatically!
* Customize and Personalize
Change skins and languages to suit your preference.
DVD to iPod Converter
Equipped with a wide array of profiles and functions, there's always a fitting solution to any type of DVD movie for play in your iPod. With a smart built-in Bitrate Calculator, you are able to know the output size before you even start converting with Xilisoft DVD to iPod Converter.
* Convert DVD to video (MP4, MPEG-4) or audio (MP3, M4A, AAC) for iPod and iPhone
* Support all types of iPod and iPhone
* Capture pictures from DVD movies
iPod Rip
Users Who Downloaded This Also Downloaded
iPod Rip
iPod Rip
Now supports iPhone OS 3.1
Rip & copy music, videos, photos, podcasts between iPod and PC. Support iPod to iTunes transfer.
iPhone Ringtone Maker
iPhone Ringtone Maker
Now supports iPhone OS 3.1
Convert pop video/audio formats to iPhone ringtone. Transfer converted ringtone to iPhone directly.
* Tutorial
* References
* System Requirements
DVD to iPod converter
Enjoy DVD Movies in your iPod on-the-go!
Turn your DVD movies into iPod MP4, MP3 for enjoying on-the-go
DVD to iPod
* Convert DVD videos to iPod
Show off DVD movies on your iPod, iPod touch, iPod classic, iPod nano and even iPhone.
* Rip DVD Audio to iPod
Rip and convert DVD music to iPod audio (MP3, M4A, AAC) so you can listen to your favorite movie scores on your iPod anywhere you go!
* Get DVD Info
Download DVD info on the internet automatically while loading so you are able to add more information like film title, actors/actresses, chapter titles, scene names and more.
DVD to iPod Converter
Plenty of Optional Settings
Simple converting process but diverse output choices
DVD to iPod ripper
* One File; Numerous Output
To save time, a single file can be set with multiple profiles for multiple outputs.
* Know the File Size Before You Convert
A smart Bitrate Calculator tool to compute the output file size for your convenience.
* Custom DVD Rip
Want to clip a favorite scene? Set your preferred clip start and end time. Want to split file to fit your iPod? Set split file size and time your way. You can even customize an existing profile and save it as your own.
Rip DVD to iPod
Quick DVD to iPod conversion
A fast way to convert DVD movies for iPod and iPhone
Copy DVD to iPod
* High Speed Copy from DVD to iPod
Supports multithreading and batch processing, so not a second is wasted!
* Run in Background
Do other tasks while the conversion is running in the background.
* Automatic Check for Updates
Checks software updates for you, automatically!
* Customize and Personalize
Change skins and languages to suit your preference.
DVD to iPod Converter
DVD Ripper
DVD Ripper is a DVD ripping tool to rip your favorite DVD movies to popular DivX/Xvid AVI files, H.264 MP4 files, and even iPod MP4 video files with fast DVD ripping speed and excellent quality.
DVD Ripper, you can choose which titles and chapters, audio tracks, and subtitle tracks of the DVD you want to rip. You can also choose the output video format from AVI (DivX MPEG4), AVI (Xvid), MP4 (H264) or iPod MP4 Video. You can also set the video size, bitrate and framerate, audio channel, bitrate and frequency.
DVD Ripper has a user-friendly interface and you can rip DVD with only a few clicks. Enjoy it!
[Download Freez DVD Ripper]
Key Features:
* Can rip DVD movies and convert DVD to MPEG-4 DivX / Xvid AVI format.
* Can rip DVD movies and convert DVD to H.264 MP4 format for Apple TV, PSP.
* Can rip DVD movies and convert DVD to iPod MP4 format.
* Can rip both encrypted or unencrypted DVD movies.
* You can select DVD source from both hard drive and real DVD.
* You can select the titles and chapters to be ripped from DVD.
* You can select the audio tracks and subtitle tracks to be ripped from DVD.
* Set the output video resolution, video bitrate (up to 2500 kbps) and video framerate.
* Set the output audio channel, audio bitrate and audio frequency.
* High-speed conversion.
* User-friendly interface without any complicated settings.
* Free to use and free registration.
DVD Ripper
DVD Ripper, you can choose which titles and chapters, audio tracks, and subtitle tracks of the DVD you want to rip. You can also choose the output video format from AVI (DivX MPEG4), AVI (Xvid), MP4 (H264) or iPod MP4 Video. You can also set the video size, bitrate and framerate, audio channel, bitrate and frequency.
DVD Ripper has a user-friendly interface and you can rip DVD with only a few clicks. Enjoy it!
[Download Freez DVD Ripper]
Key Features:
* Can rip DVD movies and convert DVD to MPEG-4 DivX / Xvid AVI format.
* Can rip DVD movies and convert DVD to H.264 MP4 format for Apple TV, PSP.
* Can rip DVD movies and convert DVD to iPod MP4 format.
* Can rip both encrypted or unencrypted DVD movies.
* You can select DVD source from both hard drive and real DVD.
* You can select the titles and chapters to be ripped from DVD.
* You can select the audio tracks and subtitle tracks to be ripped from DVD.
* Set the output video resolution, video bitrate (up to 2500 kbps) and video framerate.
* Set the output audio channel, audio bitrate and audio frequency.
* High-speed conversion.
* User-friendly interface without any complicated settings.
* Free to use and free registration.
DVD Ripper
Monday, February 1, 2010
m2ts converter for mac
M2TS Converter for Mac is a powerful M2TS file Mac converter tool, to help you convert M2TS video files to other popular video formats on Mac OS X. It is the best Mac video converter for .m2ts video files.
M2TS format is based on the MPEG-2 transport stream format. M2TS file is mainly used in HD videos recorded by AVCHD camcorders, and HD videos on Blu-ray disc. If you want to convert these videos to popular video and audio formats, this M2TS Converter for Mac will help you a lot. It perfectly supports almost all video/audio formats and portable devices. And it allows you to edit M2TS videos as you like.
Free download M2TS Converter for Mac and enjoy HD videos in your way.
This version is for Apple Mac OS X. If you are using Microsoft Windows PC, please click here.
Screenshot of M2TS Converter for Mac
convert m2ts mac os x
Major Functions of M2TS Converter for Mac
* Convert M2TS to videos
You can easily convert M2TS videos to all popular video formats, like MP4, MOV, FLV, AVI, VOB, 3GP, 3G2, MKV, WMV, M4V, MPG(MPEG), ASF, etc.
* Convert M2TS to audio files
Extract audio parts from M2TS video to independent audio files, such as MP3, MKA, MP2, WAV, WMA, M4A, AC3, and so on.
* Convert M2TS to portable devices
This Mac M2TS Converter can directly output video and audio files playable on iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Mobile Phones, Archos, Zen and other MP4 players.
* Edit M2TS videos
Powerful editing functions are provided for you to trim video and get your favorite segment, crop M2TS video to retain your favorite displaying area, merge video clips to make a long movie, adjust video brightness, saturation, contrast and apply special effects to improve video performance.
M2TS Converter for Mac Features
* Specifically designed for Mac users
All Mac users can use this software to convert M2TS videos easily and quickly, including PowerPC and Intel users, Mac OS 10.4 Tiger and Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard (including Snow Leopard) users.
* Easy to use for beginners
Plentiful optimal profiles are provided for beginners to easily choose proper one and finish the conversion without further settings.
* Powerful for pro users
Pro users can freely edit M2TS videos and adjust video and audio encoding settings to customize the output quality.
* Fast speed and high quality
Professional M2TS decoder and popular encoders are built in. The conversion is at unmatched speed with excellent image and sound quality.
If you Mac users owning camcorders or watching Blu-ray movies, M2TS files may be familiar to you. This multifunctional M2TS Converter for Mac can help you edit M2TS videos and convert M2TS videos to all popular video formats and portable devices. Thus you can easily upload the HD videos recorded by yourself to YouTube and share with others, watch the latest Blu-ray movies with your iPhone on the go, and more conveniences.
M2TS format is based on the MPEG-2 transport stream format. M2TS file is mainly used in HD videos recorded by AVCHD camcorders, and HD videos on Blu-ray disc. If you want to convert these videos to popular video and audio formats, this M2TS Converter for Mac will help you a lot. It perfectly supports almost all video/audio formats and portable devices. And it allows you to edit M2TS videos as you like.
Free download M2TS Converter for Mac and enjoy HD videos in your way.
This version is for Apple Mac OS X. If you are using Microsoft Windows PC, please click here.
Screenshot of M2TS Converter for Mac
convert m2ts mac os x
Major Functions of M2TS Converter for Mac
* Convert M2TS to videos
You can easily convert M2TS videos to all popular video formats, like MP4, MOV, FLV, AVI, VOB, 3GP, 3G2, MKV, WMV, M4V, MPG(MPEG), ASF, etc.
* Convert M2TS to audio files
Extract audio parts from M2TS video to independent audio files, such as MP3, MKA, MP2, WAV, WMA, M4A, AC3, and so on.
* Convert M2TS to portable devices
This Mac M2TS Converter can directly output video and audio files playable on iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Mobile Phones, Archos, Zen and other MP4 players.
* Edit M2TS videos
Powerful editing functions are provided for you to trim video and get your favorite segment, crop M2TS video to retain your favorite displaying area, merge video clips to make a long movie, adjust video brightness, saturation, contrast and apply special effects to improve video performance.
M2TS Converter for Mac Features
* Specifically designed for Mac users
All Mac users can use this software to convert M2TS videos easily and quickly, including PowerPC and Intel users, Mac OS 10.4 Tiger and Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard (including Snow Leopard) users.
* Easy to use for beginners
Plentiful optimal profiles are provided for beginners to easily choose proper one and finish the conversion without further settings.
* Powerful for pro users
Pro users can freely edit M2TS videos and adjust video and audio encoding settings to customize the output quality.
* Fast speed and high quality
Professional M2TS decoder and popular encoders are built in. The conversion is at unmatched speed with excellent image and sound quality.
If you Mac users owning camcorders or watching Blu-ray movies, M2TS files may be familiar to you. This multifunctional M2TS Converter for Mac can help you edit M2TS videos and convert M2TS videos to all popular video formats and portable devices. Thus you can easily upload the HD videos recorded by yourself to YouTube and share with others, watch the latest Blu-ray movies with your iPhone on the go, and more conveniences.
The best MTS Converter for mac is for you
MTS Converter for Mac is specially designed for mac users to convert mts and various videos including FLV, MKV, MOD, WMV, ASF, MPEG1, MPEG2, MP4, 3GP, 3G2, MOV, AVI, M2TS, TOD, TS/TP (for HD Video), etc with perfect output quality on Mac! Also supported audio formats like MP3, MP2, MKA, M4A, AAC, AC3, APE, OGG, etc.
Most popular players supported by MTS Converter Mac: iPod touch, iPod classic, iPod nano, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Creative Zen, iRiver PMP, Archos, various video mobile phones and many other digital video and audio players.
Mac MTS Converter makes your own special edittings by set video brightness, contrast, saturation, crop video, trim video/audio and even merge multiple files into one file. Batch conversion supported, much more...
MTS Converter for Mac
Note: 1. Each kind of MTS Converter Mac guide shall be showed in its own webpage on the right. If you want to get more details of converting MTS files, just select the related title in the left navigation.
2. .MTS format is a high-definition MPEG, AVC, H.264 transport stream video file format which commonly used by HD camcorders such as Sony, Canon, Panasonic. MTS Converter Mac ios to convert such files on Tiger or Leopard, Mac computers.
Key Features of MTS Converter for Mac
# Specially designed for Mac OS Users.
# Convert MTS files to various output formats like iPod, PSP, AVI, MOV, MP4, MPEG, FLV, etc
# Batch conversion is supported with high conversion speed and excellent quality
# Powerful edit functions, such as trim video, crop video,set output settings,etc.
# Support previewing the video files before conversion and allow to pause, stop and continue at any moment during conversion
# Capture beautiful images while previewing the movie
# Merging all added files into one file
# MTS Video Converter Mac is easy to use. Just a few clicks, the conversion can be successfully finished.
Most popular players supported by MTS Converter Mac: iPod touch, iPod classic, iPod nano, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Creative Zen, iRiver PMP, Archos, various video mobile phones and many other digital video and audio players.
Mac MTS Converter makes your own special edittings by set video brightness, contrast, saturation, crop video, trim video/audio and even merge multiple files into one file. Batch conversion supported, much more...
MTS Converter for Mac
Note: 1. Each kind of MTS Converter Mac guide shall be showed in its own webpage on the right. If you want to get more details of converting MTS files, just select the related title in the left navigation.
2. .MTS format is a high-definition MPEG, AVC, H.264 transport stream video file format which commonly used by HD camcorders such as Sony, Canon, Panasonic. MTS Converter Mac ios to convert such files on Tiger or Leopard, Mac computers.
Key Features of MTS Converter for Mac
# Specially designed for Mac OS Users.
# Convert MTS files to various output formats like iPod, PSP, AVI, MOV, MP4, MPEG, FLV, etc
# Batch conversion is supported with high conversion speed and excellent quality
# Powerful edit functions, such as trim video, crop video,set output settings,etc.
# Support previewing the video files before conversion and allow to pause, stop and continue at any moment during conversion
# Capture beautiful images while previewing the movie
# Merging all added files into one file
# MTS Video Converter Mac is easy to use. Just a few clicks, the conversion can be successfully finished.
How to convert mkv files on mac?
MKV Converter for Mac is the best Mac MKV converter software. It is the real all-in-one solution for Mac users who want to convert DVD to MKV or convert all popular video file like MPG, WMV, MP4, MOV, FLV, AVI to MKV for put on their mobile players.
This powerful MKV Converter for Mac software can also convert HD video to MKV file format and extract audio from MKV to MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, etc. All conversion processes of the Mac video converter are very fast and easy to handle.
Download Intel Version Download PowerPC Version Buy Now
Key Features of Mac MKV Converter
* Convert DVD to MKV, MKA, AVI, FLV, 3GP, MP4, MOV, M4V, 3G2, ASF, VOB etc. on Mac OS.
* Convert all popular video file formats to MKV, MP4, MOV, M4V, AVI, FLV, 3GP,3GPP, 3G2, MPG, ASF, VOB etc. for Mac OS.
* Convert HD Video (ts, tp, trp, m2ts, mts) to MKV, MKA, MP4, AVI, MP3 etc. on Mac OS.
* Convert MKV to MP3, WAV, AC3, MKA, OGG, M4A etc audio formats for Mac OS.
* Convert MKV video to picture format JPG, BMP on Mac OS.
* Convert MKV files for put video on iPod, iPhone, PSP, etc MP4/MP3 players for Mac OS.
* MKV editing for Mac - Trim MKV files, Crop MKV files, Merge MKV files, Join MKV files, Set Brightness, Contrast and Saturation.
* Real-time preview - Let you preview your movies anytime while you edit them, so you can get the best movie effects with this MKV Converter for Mac.
* Much more....
What's MKV?
.mkv is a container format developed by Matroska. It can hold different types of video and audio. For example, there might be an .avi file contained within the .mkv file. The Matroska Multimedia Container is an open standard free Container format, a file format that can hold an unlimited number of video, audio, picture or subtitle tracks inside a single file. It is intended to serve as a universal format for storing common multimedia content, like movies or TV shows. Matroska is similar in conception to other containers like AVI, MP4 or ASF, but is entirely open in specification, with implementations consisting mostly of open source software. Matroska file types are .MKV for video (with subtitles and audio), .MKA for audio-only files and .MKS for subtitles only. High Definition movies in 720 or 1080 pixel width format are often encoded and packaged as a Matroska format video with a .mkv file extension.
This powerful MKV Converter for Mac software can also convert HD video to MKV file format and extract audio from MKV to MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, etc. All conversion processes of the Mac video converter are very fast and easy to handle.
Download Intel Version Download PowerPC Version Buy Now
Key Features of Mac MKV Converter
* Convert DVD to MKV, MKA, AVI, FLV, 3GP, MP4, MOV, M4V, 3G2, ASF, VOB etc. on Mac OS.
* Convert all popular video file formats to MKV, MP4, MOV, M4V, AVI, FLV, 3GP,3GPP, 3G2, MPG, ASF, VOB etc. for Mac OS.
* Convert HD Video (ts, tp, trp, m2ts, mts) to MKV, MKA, MP4, AVI, MP3 etc. on Mac OS.
* Convert MKV to MP3, WAV, AC3, MKA, OGG, M4A etc audio formats for Mac OS.
* Convert MKV video to picture format JPG, BMP on Mac OS.
* Convert MKV files for put video on iPod, iPhone, PSP, etc MP4/MP3 players for Mac OS.
* MKV editing for Mac - Trim MKV files, Crop MKV files, Merge MKV files, Join MKV files, Set Brightness, Contrast and Saturation.
* Real-time preview - Let you preview your movies anytime while you edit them, so you can get the best movie effects with this MKV Converter for Mac.
* Much more....
What's MKV?
.mkv is a container format developed by Matroska. It can hold different types of video and audio. For example, there might be an .avi file contained within the .mkv file. The Matroska Multimedia Container is an open standard free Container format, a file format that can hold an unlimited number of video, audio, picture or subtitle tracks inside a single file. It is intended to serve as a universal format for storing common multimedia content, like movies or TV shows. Matroska is similar in conception to other containers like AVI, MP4 or ASF, but is entirely open in specification, with implementations consisting mostly of open source software. Matroska file types are .MKV for video (with subtitles and audio), .MKA for audio-only files and .MKS for subtitles only. High Definition movies in 720 or 1080 pixel width format are often encoded and packaged as a Matroska format video with a .mkv file extension.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
the best 3gp converter for mac
3GP Converter for Mac
3GP Converter for Mac is a powerful 3GP Converter on Mac. The Mac 3GP Converter can convert all popular videos to 3gp including avi, mpeg, mp4, flv, mov, vob,dat, etc. 3GP Converter for Mac is the perfect suit for Mac os x users.
The Mac 3GP Converter is easy-to-use. Just a few clicks, you can convert the favourite videos to 3gp to mac and enjoy them on your mac with excellent quality. Free download the 3GP converter for Mac and have a try.
Intel Version Power PC Version
Price: $35.00
3GP Converter for Mac
Main Features of 3GP Converter for Mac:
1.Specially designed for Mac oS users.
The professional 3GP Converter for Mac is developed only for Mac OS (include Mac OS X, 10.5 leopard) users.
2.Convert video for most popular players
The 3GP Converter Mac supports iPod touch, iPod classic, iPod nano, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Youtube (web), Creative Zen, iRiver PMP, Archos, etc. with the optimized profiles
3.Powerful edit functions( Crop and trim videos, customize video effects)
The 3GP Converter Mac provides powerful edit functions, which allosws you to set movie video brightness, contrast, saturation, and choose to apply special video effects to your video files, crop video to remove black video sides and trim your video files.
4. Merge files
Supports merging all added files and output one file.
5.Easy to use
Just a few clicks, you can convert videos to 3GP with perfect quality..
3GP Converter for Mac is a powerful 3GP Converter on Mac. The Mac 3GP Converter can convert all popular videos to 3gp including avi, mpeg, mp4, flv, mov, vob,dat, etc. 3GP Converter for Mac is the perfect suit for Mac os x users.
The Mac 3GP Converter is easy-to-use. Just a few clicks, you can convert the favourite videos to 3gp to mac and enjoy them on your mac with excellent quality. Free download the 3GP converter for Mac and have a try.
Intel Version Power PC Version
Price: $35.00
3GP Converter for Mac
Main Features of 3GP Converter for Mac:
1.Specially designed for Mac oS users.
The professional 3GP Converter for Mac is developed only for Mac OS (include Mac OS X, 10.5 leopard) users.
2.Convert video for most popular players
The 3GP Converter Mac supports iPod touch, iPod classic, iPod nano, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Youtube (web), Creative Zen, iRiver PMP, Archos, etc. with the optimized profiles
3.Powerful edit functions( Crop and trim videos, customize video effects)
The 3GP Converter Mac provides powerful edit functions, which allosws you to set movie video brightness, contrast, saturation, and choose to apply special video effects to your video files, crop video to remove black video sides and trim your video files.
4. Merge files
Supports merging all added files and output one file.
5.Easy to use
Just a few clicks, you can convert videos to 3GP with perfect quality..
Monday, January 25, 2010
wmv converter for mac is your best assistant
WMV Converter for Mac
1. What’s WMV
Windows Media Video (WMV) is a compressed video file format for several proprietary codecs developed by Microsoft.
WMV is also a container format. A WMV file is in most circumstances encapsulated in the Advanced Systems Format (ASF) container format. The file extension .WMV typically describes ASF files that use Windows Media Video codecs.
Although WMV is generally packed into the ASF container format, it can also be put into the AVI or Matroska container format. The resulting files claim the .AVI, or .MKV file extensions, respectively. WMV can be stored in an AVI file when using the WMV 9 Video Compression Manager (VCM) codec implementation.
Video quality of WMV. Microsoft claims that WMV 9 provides a compression ratio that is two times better than MPEG-4, and three times better than MPEG-2; Microsoft also claims that WMV 9 is 15–50% better than WMV 8 in terms of compression efficiency; One test report published in January 2005, however, showed that WMV 9 had worse compression efficiency than WMV 8.
2. Free WMV Converter for Mac
How to play wmv on snow leopard? Software that can play WMV files include Windows Media Player, GOM Player, ALLPlayer, The KMPlayer, PowerDVD, RealPlayer, MPlayer, VLC Media Player, Zoom Player and Media Player Classic.
For Mac users, the MPlayer and VLC Media Player are the best players to play WMV on Mac.
3. The WMV Converter for Mac
Free Download WMV Converter for Mac:
Intel version
PowerPC version
How to Convert WMV to MP4, MOV, MKV, AVI, etc on Mac
For Mac users who wish to convert WMV to MP4, MOV MKV, 3GP, MPG, etc on Mac, who want to play WMV on iPod, iPhone, Sony PSP, Apple TV, iPod, BlackBerry, QuickTime, and any other players, just follow the 3 steps to control the MACOS video converter to work: how to convert WMV to iPod, iPhone, PSP, QuickTime, Blackberry, etc on Mac.
How to Convert FLV, MKV, AVI, MOV, MPEG, HD videos, ect to WMV on Macs
This WMV Converter for Mac can be regarded as the exhaustive Video Converter for Mac, which can convert HD FLV, MTS\M2TS(AVCHD H.264), TS(MPEG-2), HD MKV(H.264, MPEG-2 HD), HD MOV(H.264, MPEG-4), HD MOD(MPEG-2), HD TOD(MPEG-2), AVI, MPEG (MPEG1, MPEG2, VCD, SVCD), TRP, MP4 ( MPEG4, H.264), 3GPP, 3GPP2, MOV, IFO, VOB, DAT, ASF to HD WMV(VC-1) on Mac OS.
How to extract audio from WMV to MP3, WAV, M4A, etc on Mac
Sometime we also need to extract the audio from WMV video, that means convert the WMV to MP3, M4A, WAV, AC3, AAC, MKA, OGG, etc, this WMV Converter for Mac also can help you out. Additionally, other video to audio conversion like FLV, MOV, MP4, MKV, AVI, MPEG, etc to MP3, M4A, WAV, AC3, AAC, MKA, OGG, etc are supported by this all-in-one Video Converter for Mac.
1. What’s WMV
Windows Media Video (WMV) is a compressed video file format for several proprietary codecs developed by Microsoft.
WMV is also a container format. A WMV file is in most circumstances encapsulated in the Advanced Systems Format (ASF) container format. The file extension .WMV typically describes ASF files that use Windows Media Video codecs.
Although WMV is generally packed into the ASF container format, it can also be put into the AVI or Matroska container format. The resulting files claim the .AVI, or .MKV file extensions, respectively. WMV can be stored in an AVI file when using the WMV 9 Video Compression Manager (VCM) codec implementation.
Video quality of WMV. Microsoft claims that WMV 9 provides a compression ratio that is two times better than MPEG-4, and three times better than MPEG-2; Microsoft also claims that WMV 9 is 15–50% better than WMV 8 in terms of compression efficiency; One test report published in January 2005, however, showed that WMV 9 had worse compression efficiency than WMV 8.
2. Free WMV Converter for Mac
How to play wmv on snow leopard? Software that can play WMV files include Windows Media Player, GOM Player, ALLPlayer, The KMPlayer, PowerDVD, RealPlayer, MPlayer, VLC Media Player, Zoom Player and Media Player Classic.
For Mac users, the MPlayer and VLC Media Player are the best players to play WMV on Mac.
3. The WMV Converter for Mac
Free Download WMV Converter for Mac:
Intel version
PowerPC version
How to Convert WMV to MP4, MOV, MKV, AVI, etc on Mac
For Mac users who wish to convert WMV to MP4, MOV MKV, 3GP, MPG, etc on Mac, who want to play WMV on iPod, iPhone, Sony PSP, Apple TV, iPod, BlackBerry, QuickTime, and any other players, just follow the 3 steps to control the MACOS video converter to work: how to convert WMV to iPod, iPhone, PSP, QuickTime, Blackberry, etc on Mac.
How to Convert FLV, MKV, AVI, MOV, MPEG, HD videos, ect to WMV on Macs
This WMV Converter for Mac can be regarded as the exhaustive Video Converter for Mac, which can convert HD FLV, MTS\M2TS(AVCHD H.264), TS(MPEG-2), HD MKV(H.264, MPEG-2 HD), HD MOV(H.264, MPEG-4), HD MOD(MPEG-2), HD TOD(MPEG-2), AVI, MPEG (MPEG1, MPEG2, VCD, SVCD), TRP, MP4 ( MPEG4, H.264), 3GPP, 3GPP2, MOV, IFO, VOB, DAT, ASF to HD WMV(VC-1) on Mac OS.
How to extract audio from WMV to MP3, WAV, M4A, etc on Mac
Sometime we also need to extract the audio from WMV video, that means convert the WMV to MP3, M4A, WAV, AC3, AAC, MKA, OGG, etc, this WMV Converter for Mac also can help you out. Additionally, other video to audio conversion like FLV, MOV, MP4, MKV, AVI, MPEG, etc to MP3, M4A, WAV, AC3, AAC, MKA, OGG, etc are supported by this all-in-one Video Converter for Mac.
The ultra M4V converter for mac
M4V Converter for Mac is an all-in-one and mac application that can convert M4V videos to all popular video files, such as AVI, WMV, 3GP, MP4, MOV, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, MPG, etc. Moreover, it also supports convert M4V to many kinds of audio files, such as WAV, MP3, OGG, APE, etc. With M4V converter, you can enjoy your movie files on all common digital players like iPod, Zune, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, Xbox 360, PS3, Archos, iRiver, Creative Zen, PMP, Smart Phone, Pocket PC, PDA, Mobile Phone, etc.
You can freely customize the output format as you wish in just a few minutes. The converted video and audio files can be played on most portable players on most portable players with excellent quality like iPhone, iPod, Apple TV, Zune, PSP, Xbox 360, PS3, iRiver, Creative Zen, Archos, PMP, Smart Phone, Pocket PC, PDA, cell phone, MP4 Player, MP3 player.
M4V Converter for Mac
M4V converter for Mac supports various formats including AVI, WMV, 3GP, MP4, MOV, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, MPG, etc.
Buy Now $35.00 Free Download 9.56M
Key Features of the M4V Converter for Mac:
* Very user-friendly interface and easy to use.
* A professional M4V to all popular video formats converter for Macintosh OS.
* Extract M4V audio to WAV, MP3, OGG, APE with the original sound quality.
* Batch convert M4V files to various format files, such as AVI, WMV, 3GP, MP4, MOV, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, MPG
* Provide you with various video and audio settings such as video resolution, video frame rate, video bit rate, audio bit rate, audio sample rate and so on.
* Very quick in conversion speed and no quality is lost!
* M4V Converter provides you with powerful edit functions, such as you can trim video, crop video and adjust video effects.
* You are also allowed to merge multiple files into one by checking in front of "merge into one file".
Try M4V Converter fo
You can freely customize the output format as you wish in just a few minutes. The converted video and audio files can be played on most portable players on most portable players with excellent quality like iPhone, iPod, Apple TV, Zune, PSP, Xbox 360, PS3, iRiver, Creative Zen, Archos, PMP, Smart Phone, Pocket PC, PDA, cell phone, MP4 Player, MP3 player.
M4V Converter for Mac
M4V converter for Mac supports various formats including AVI, WMV, 3GP, MP4, MOV, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, MPG, etc.
Buy Now $35.00 Free Download 9.56M
Key Features of the M4V Converter for Mac:
* Very user-friendly interface and easy to use.
* A professional M4V to all popular video formats converter for Macintosh OS.
* Extract M4V audio to WAV, MP3, OGG, APE with the original sound quality.
* Batch convert M4V files to various format files, such as AVI, WMV, 3GP, MP4, MOV, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, MPG
* Provide you with various video and audio settings such as video resolution, video frame rate, video bit rate, audio bit rate, audio sample rate and so on.
* Very quick in conversion speed and no quality is lost!
* M4V Converter provides you with powerful edit functions, such as you can trim video, crop video and adjust video effects.
* You are also allowed to merge multiple files into one by checking in front of "merge into one file".
Try M4V Converter fo
The ultra M4V converter for mac
M4V Converter for Mac is an all-in-one and mac application that can convert M4V videos to all popular video files, such as AVI, WMV, 3GP, MP4, MOV, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, MPG, etc. Moreover, it also supports convert M4V to many kinds of audio files, such as WAV, MP3, OGG, APE, etc. With M4V converter, you can enjoy your movie files on all common digital players like iPod, Zune, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, Xbox 360, PS3, Archos, iRiver, Creative Zen, PMP, Smart Phone, Pocket PC, PDA, Mobile Phone, etc.
You can freely customize the output format as you wish in just a few minutes. The converted video and audio files can be played on most portable players on most portable players with excellent quality like iPhone, iPod, Apple TV, Zune, PSP, Xbox 360, PS3, iRiver, Creative Zen, Archos, PMP, Smart Phone, Pocket PC, PDA, cell phone, MP4 Player, MP3 player.
M4V Converter for Mac
M4V converter for Mac supports various formats including AVI, WMV, 3GP, MP4, MOV, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, MPG, etc.
Buy Now $35.00 Free Download 9.56M
Key Features of the M4V Converter for Mac:
* Very user-friendly interface and easy to use.
* A professional M4V to all popular video formats converter for Macintosh OS.
* Extract M4V audio to WAV, MP3, OGG, APE with the original sound quality.
* Batch convert M4V files to various format files, such as AVI, WMV, 3GP, MP4, MOV, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, MPG
* Provide you with various video and audio settings such as video resolution, video frame rate, video bit rate, audio bit rate, audio sample rate and so on.
* Very quick in conversion speed and no quality is lost!
* M4V Converter provides you with powerful edit functions, such as you can trim video, crop video and adjust video effects.
* You are also allowed to merge multiple files into one by checking in front of "merge into one file".
Try M4V Converter fo
You can freely customize the output format as you wish in just a few minutes. The converted video and audio files can be played on most portable players on most portable players with excellent quality like iPhone, iPod, Apple TV, Zune, PSP, Xbox 360, PS3, iRiver, Creative Zen, Archos, PMP, Smart Phone, Pocket PC, PDA, cell phone, MP4 Player, MP3 player.
M4V Converter for Mac
M4V converter for Mac supports various formats including AVI, WMV, 3GP, MP4, MOV, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, MPG, etc.
Buy Now $35.00 Free Download 9.56M
Key Features of the M4V Converter for Mac:
* Very user-friendly interface and easy to use.
* A professional M4V to all popular video formats converter for Macintosh OS.
* Extract M4V audio to WAV, MP3, OGG, APE with the original sound quality.
* Batch convert M4V files to various format files, such as AVI, WMV, 3GP, MP4, MOV, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, MPG
* Provide you with various video and audio settings such as video resolution, video frame rate, video bit rate, audio bit rate, audio sample rate and so on.
* Very quick in conversion speed and no quality is lost!
* M4V Converter provides you with powerful edit functions, such as you can trim video, crop video and adjust video effects.
* You are also allowed to merge multiple files into one by checking in front of "merge into one file".
Try M4V Converter fo
How to converter avi on mac easily and quickly?
AVI Converter for Mac is a powerful and versatile Video/Audio Conversion utility for Mac OS X users to convert video files from one format to another and extract or save the audio tracks on Mac OS X (including OS X 10.5 Leopard). The Mac AVI Converters helps you convert AVI to video formats like, DivX, MPEG, MPG, FLV, DAT, MOV, ASF, FLV, etc. It can also extract audio from video to MP3, WMA, AC3, AAC, M4A, WAV, OGG, 3GP, etc.The Mac AVI Converters can also convert MPEG1, MPEG2, MP4, 3GP, 3G2, MOV, Mpeg TS/TP (for HD Video) formats, too.
With such powerful and versatile AVI converter for Mac, you can easily playback AVI video files on any popular video players, like iPod, PSP, Apple TV, Archos, iRiver, Creative Zen, PS3 or other portable MP4 players. Try Mac AVI Converter for free.
Mac AVI Converters, Mac AVI converter, avi converter for mac
Free Trial Download
Compared with other Mac AVI Converters, this AVI Converter for Mac supports batch conversion. Besides, it provides many optimized settings and features as well. so that you can customize the advanced output settings at any time.
Note:This Mac AVI Converter is especially designed for Mac OS X users to convert AVI files to all popular video formats. Each category on Mac AVI Converter shall show you the detailed guidelines of how to convert AVI files Mac to diverse video files.
AVI Converter for Mac Key Features:
* Designed just for Mac OS X
A professional AVI Converter for Mac developed only for Mac OS X users.
* Convert video for most popular players
This mac AVI converter simple provides settings that almost few clicks to finish the whole conversion. There are several optimized profiles for iPod touch, iPod classic, iPod nano, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Youtube (web), Creative Zen, iRiver PMP, Archos, etc with different quality in the AVI converter for Mac which can be used directly without any further settings.
* Extract audio from video files or convert between audio files
Convert video to audio formats including WAV, OGG, 3GP, Mp3 and M4A.
* Crop video
This Mac AVI converter helps you crop video to remove black video sides.
* Various video and audio settings
Set video output settings including resolution, frame rate, encoder, and bit rate, and set audio output settings including sample rate, channel, encoder and bit rate.
* Trim video
You can trim your video files to only convert a part of a video file.
* Capture pictures (bmp,jpg) from video
* Customize video effects
Set movie video brightness, contrast, saturation, and choose to apply special video effects to your video files.
* Merge file
Merge all added files and output one file.
* Easy to use
The easiest AVI Converter for Mac to your videos to all sorts of different video formats with only a few intuitive steps. You can preview video files before conversion to adjust the output quality.
With such powerful and versatile AVI converter for Mac, you can easily playback AVI video files on any popular video players, like iPod, PSP, Apple TV, Archos, iRiver, Creative Zen, PS3 or other portable MP4 players. Try Mac AVI Converter for free.
Mac AVI Converters, Mac AVI converter, avi converter for mac
Free Trial Download
Compared with other Mac AVI Converters, this AVI Converter for Mac supports batch conversion. Besides, it provides many optimized settings and features as well. so that you can customize the advanced output settings at any time.
Note:This Mac AVI Converter is especially designed for Mac OS X users to convert AVI files to all popular video formats. Each category on Mac AVI Converter shall show you the detailed guidelines of how to convert AVI files Mac to diverse video files.
AVI Converter for Mac Key Features:
* Designed just for Mac OS X
A professional AVI Converter for Mac developed only for Mac OS X users.
* Convert video for most popular players
This mac AVI converter simple provides settings that almost few clicks to finish the whole conversion. There are several optimized profiles for iPod touch, iPod classic, iPod nano, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Youtube (web), Creative Zen, iRiver PMP, Archos, etc with different quality in the AVI converter for Mac which can be used directly without any further settings.
* Extract audio from video files or convert between audio files
Convert video to audio formats including WAV, OGG, 3GP, Mp3 and M4A.
* Crop video
This Mac AVI converter helps you crop video to remove black video sides.
* Various video and audio settings
Set video output settings including resolution, frame rate, encoder, and bit rate, and set audio output settings including sample rate, channel, encoder and bit rate.
* Trim video
You can trim your video files to only convert a part of a video file.
* Capture pictures (bmp,jpg) from video
* Customize video effects
Set movie video brightness, contrast, saturation, and choose to apply special video effects to your video files.
* Merge file
Merge all added files and output one file.
* Easy to use
The easiest AVI Converter for Mac to your videos to all sorts of different video formats with only a few intuitive steps. You can preview video files before conversion to adjust the output quality.
Friday, January 22, 2010
All in one mpeg converter for mac
MPEG Converter for Mac is the best .MPG Converter Mac OS software to convert various video formats including MPEG4, iPod Touch MPEG4, iPod Nano MPEG4, iPhone Video MPEG4, iPhone Video H.264, Apple TV MPEG4, M4v-MPEG4 and so on. MPEG Converter for Mac can convert popular video formats to be played ony portable devices like iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, Zune, PSP, Video capable MP4 players, etc.
In addition, the MPEG Converter for Mac is a fast and excellent video to MPEG conversion product for Mac to convert video to MPEG with great stability. Moreover, with the latest perfectly MPEG Converter for Mac conversion tool, almost all kinds of video formats including AVI, MPEG, MPG, WMV, MOV, RM, RMVB, MP4, DAT VOB shall be converted automatically with just a few clicks.
Download Free Trial Version Buy Now $35.00
MPEG Converter for Mac
Key Features of MPEG Converter for Mac
# Perfect quality and super fast conversion speed.
# Specially designed for Mac OS users.
# Convert Videos for almost all popular players.
# Support Numerous input format.
# Powerful edit functions including trimming, cropping, setting output settings and setting video effect, etc.
# Easy to use.
MPEG Converter for Mac
In addition, the MPEG Converter for Mac is a fast and excellent video to MPEG conversion product for Mac to convert video to MPEG with great stability. Moreover, with the latest perfectly MPEG Converter for Mac conversion tool, almost all kinds of video formats including AVI, MPEG, MPG, WMV, MOV, RM, RMVB, MP4, DAT VOB shall be converted automatically with just a few clicks.
Download Free Trial Version Buy Now $35.00
MPEG Converter for Mac
Key Features of MPEG Converter for Mac
# Perfect quality and super fast conversion speed.
# Specially designed for Mac OS users.
# Convert Videos for almost all popular players.
# Support Numerous input format.
# Powerful edit functions including trimming, cropping, setting output settings and setting video effect, etc.
# Easy to use.
MPEG Converter for Mac
mp4 converter for mac
MP4 Converter for Macis an excellent Mac MP4 converter which can not only convert MP4 to MP3, WMA, AAC, WAV, etc but also convert avi, flv, wmv, mpeg, divx etc to MP4 on Mac os x to enjoy your favourite video with MP4 converter mac os.
Compared with other mp4 converter Mac software, the MP4 Converter for Mac provides powerful edit functions, such as setting the output settings, cropping and trimming files, merging several files into one, etc. With this MP4 converter Mac, you can easily convert mp4 videos to varoius format for Mac.
Free Trial Version Price: $35.00
MP4 Converter for Mac
Key Features of MP4 converter for Mac:
* Specially designed for Mac os users.
The MP4 Converter for Mac was designed just for Mac OS users.
*Provide powerful edit functions.
You can set video brightness, contrast, saturation, crop video, trim video , merge multiple files into one file.Batch conversion is supported.
*Support almost all popular video players.
The MP4 Converter for Mac supports iPod touch, iPod classic, iPod nano, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Youtube (web), Creative Zen, iRiver PMP, Archos, various video mobile phones and many other digital video and audio players.
*Easy-to -use.
Compared with other mp4 converter Mac software, the MP4 Converter for Mac provides powerful edit functions, such as setting the output settings, cropping and trimming files, merging several files into one, etc. With this MP4 converter Mac, you can easily convert mp4 videos to varoius format for Mac.
Free Trial Version Price: $35.00
MP4 Converter for Mac
Key Features of MP4 converter for Mac:
* Specially designed for Mac os users.
The MP4 Converter for Mac was designed just for Mac OS users.
*Provide powerful edit functions.
You can set video brightness, contrast, saturation, crop video, trim video , merge multiple files into one file.Batch conversion is supported.
*Support almost all popular video players.
The MP4 Converter for Mac supports iPod touch, iPod classic, iPod nano, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Youtube (web), Creative Zen, iRiver PMP, Archos, various video mobile phones and many other digital video and audio players.
*Easy-to -use.
flv converter for mac
FLV Converter for Mac is a very practical mac os x software which is designed for Mac users to convert FLV files to all kinds of video formats just, like convert FLV to AVI, MOV, MP4, M4V, WMV, MPEG, 3GP, Divx, etc. It also can convert FLV files to other audio formats with perfect output quality and high conversion speed for Mac OS X users.
It can be worked for almost all popular video mobile phones and digital video players like iPod touch, iPhone, PSP, Creative Zen.
FLV Converter for Mac supports batch conversion, customize the settings, edit the movies, join and cut your favorite videos in less time.
More features about FLV Converter for Mac
*Not only an FLV converter for Mac, but also convert many other video formats with amazing output video formats settings.
* support convert HD videos, such as m2ts, ts, tr, tp, trp.
*Supports many sorts of input/output formats including FLV, AVI, MOV, MP4, WMV, MPEG, 3GP, DIVX, MP3, etc
* Extract FLV audio from video files or convert between audio files
*Supports set video output settings including resolution, frame rate, encoder, bit rate. Set audio output settings including sample rate, channel, encoder and bit rate.
* trim youtube FLV video or audio files and convert the segment you want
*capture images by clicking the snapshot button while previewing the movie.
*crop video to remove black video sides.
*merge all the files in one file
* preview video files before the conversion to adjust the output settings.FLV Converter for Mac
It can be worked for almost all popular video mobile phones and digital video players like iPod touch, iPhone, PSP, Creative Zen.
FLV Converter for Mac supports batch conversion, customize the settings, edit the movies, join and cut your favorite videos in less time.
More features about FLV Converter for Mac
*Not only an FLV converter for Mac, but also convert many other video formats with amazing output video formats settings.
* support convert HD videos, such as m2ts, ts, tr, tp, trp.
*Supports many sorts of input/output formats including FLV, AVI, MOV, MP4, WMV, MPEG, 3GP, DIVX, MP3, etc
* Extract FLV audio from video files or convert between audio files
*Supports set video output settings including resolution, frame rate, encoder, bit rate. Set audio output settings including sample rate, channel, encoder and bit rate.
* trim youtube FLV video or audio files and convert the segment you want
*capture images by clicking the snapshot button while previewing the movie.
*crop video to remove black video sides.
*merge all the files in one file
* preview video files before the conversion to adjust the output settings.FLV Converter for Mac
The best video converter for mac
Video Converter for Mac is an excellent Mac video converter software which can convert video with perfect output quality and high conversion speed for Mac OS X users. This Video Converter for Mac supports all popular video formats including AVI, MP4, WMV, MPEG, FLV, YouTube, Limewire, Realplayer, Quicktime, MKV, MOD, ASF, MPEG1, MPEG2, 3GP, 3G2, MOV, M2TS, MPEG TS/TP (for HD Video), etc.
Video Converter for Mac works perfectly for almost all popular MP4/MP3 players like iPod touch, iPod classic, iPod nano, iPhone, iPhone 3GS, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Creative Zen, iRiver PMP, Archos, various video mobile phones and many other digital video and audio players.
As a nice iMovie alternative, it can help you trim video, crop video, join video, edit video easily on All Mac OS X.
Key Features:
Convert all video and audio with All-in-one Mac Video Converter
Mac Video Converter for Mac
* Support New Mac OS - Snow Leopard (iTunes 9)
A powerful and professional Mac Video Converter & Editor that comes with both Power PC and Intel processors.
* Powerful Video Converter for Mac supports rich formats
Supported video formats: MP4, MOV, M4V, AVI, MPEG-1, MKV, MOD, WMV, FLV, 3GP, 3GPP, MPEG-2, VOB, DV, F4V, HD video (TS、TP、TRP、M2TS)
Supporter audio formats: MP3, AAC, AC3, M4A, WMA, FLAC, OGG, MKA, AU, AIFF, CAF, SD2F, 3GP, MP3, MP2 and WAV.
Supporter output picture formats: JPEG, BMP.
* Optimize for Mac, 400% faster than other Mac Video Converter
Mac Video Converter - Support all Mobile Devices Convert Video and Movie to iPod, iPhone
* Mac Video Converter can help you convert any video for all portable players including iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPod Classic, iPod Video, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Xbox 360, Zune, Archos, Sandisk, iRiver, Creative Zen, PMP, MP4/MP3 Player, Smart Phone, Pocket PC, PDA, Mobile Phone, etc. Enjoy movie on your trip easily.
Powerful Video editor for Mac
Edit Video on Mac
* Video Editing - Nice iMovie Alternative
Mac Video Converter can trim video clips by setting Start Time and End Time or by dragging the timebar, get your favorite clips or episodes from your video.
* Video Crop
Crop the Movie black edge, watch video in full screen, supports 16:9 and 4:3 model.
* Merge/Join several video files into one single file
Mac Video Converter can combine several video clips into one video file.
* Customize Video Quality easily
You can adjust video brightness, contrast, Audio Volume, and saturation to get the best movie quality you want easily with Mac Video Converter.
Easy to use Video Converter for Mac
* Support batch conversion, convert multiple videos at one time.
* Capture pictures from video and save as jpeg or bmp picture
* Include functions of MP4 Video Converter, iPod Video Converter, iPhone Video Converter, PSP Video Converter, Zune Video Converter, AVI MPEG Converter, 3GP Video Converter, WMV Converter etc.
* Free e-mail technical support, provide the best service for you.
Video Converter for Mac works perfectly for almost all popular MP4/MP3 players like iPod touch, iPod classic, iPod nano, iPhone, iPhone 3GS, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Creative Zen, iRiver PMP, Archos, various video mobile phones and many other digital video and audio players.
As a nice iMovie alternative, it can help you trim video, crop video, join video, edit video easily on All Mac OS X.
Key Features:
Convert all video and audio with All-in-one Mac Video Converter
Mac Video Converter for Mac
* Support New Mac OS - Snow Leopard (iTunes 9)
A powerful and professional Mac Video Converter & Editor that comes with both Power PC and Intel processors.
* Powerful Video Converter for Mac supports rich formats
Supported video formats: MP4, MOV, M4V, AVI, MPEG-1, MKV, MOD, WMV, FLV, 3GP, 3GPP, MPEG-2, VOB, DV, F4V, HD video (TS、TP、TRP、M2TS)
Supporter audio formats: MP3, AAC, AC3, M4A, WMA, FLAC, OGG, MKA, AU, AIFF, CAF, SD2F, 3GP, MP3, MP2 and WAV.
Supporter output picture formats: JPEG, BMP.
* Optimize for Mac, 400% faster than other Mac Video Converter
Mac Video Converter - Support all Mobile Devices Convert Video and Movie to iPod, iPhone
* Mac Video Converter can help you convert any video for all portable players including iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPod Classic, iPod Video, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Xbox 360, Zune, Archos, Sandisk, iRiver, Creative Zen, PMP, MP4/MP3 Player, Smart Phone, Pocket PC, PDA, Mobile Phone, etc. Enjoy movie on your trip easily.
Powerful Video editor for Mac
Edit Video on Mac
* Video Editing - Nice iMovie Alternative
Mac Video Converter can trim video clips by setting Start Time and End Time or by dragging the timebar, get your favorite clips or episodes from your video.
* Video Crop
Crop the Movie black edge, watch video in full screen, supports 16:9 and 4:3 model.
* Merge/Join several video files into one single file
Mac Video Converter can combine several video clips into one video file.
* Customize Video Quality easily
You can adjust video brightness, contrast, Audio Volume, and saturation to get the best movie quality you want easily with Mac Video Converter.
Easy to use Video Converter for Mac
* Support batch conversion, convert multiple videos at one time.
* Capture pictures from video and save as jpeg or bmp picture
* Include functions of MP4 Video Converter, iPod Video Converter, iPhone Video Converter, PSP Video Converter, Zune Video Converter, AVI MPEG Converter, 3GP Video Converter, WMV Converter etc.
* Free e-mail technical support, provide the best service for you.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
How to custom iphone ringtone?
Custom iPhone Ringtone - make ringtones for iphone
make iphone ringtone
iPhone Ringtone Maker, a smart iPhone ringtone tool, can convert almost all mainstream video/audio formats including AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/AVC, AVCHD, MKV, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, MP3 to M4R iPhone ringtone, and transfer the converted M4R ringtone to iPhone directly without iTunes after conversion if you want. Apart from converting common formats to iphone ringtone, the Ringtone Maker even supports converting music purchased from iTunes store to iPhone ringtone.
The powerful Maker is able to clip any music segment from video/audio file and turn it into iPhone ringtone. If you want to have an unique iPhone ringtone, the iPhone Ringtone Maker is your best choice and a "must have" utitlity for iPhone users.
How to Custom iPhone Ringtone
Key Features of iPhone Ringtone Maker:
1. The Maker can convert audio files like WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, MP3, AAC to iPhone ringtone in M4R iPhone ringtone format.
2. You can make iPhone ringtone from videos like AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/AVC, AVCHD, MKV, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, etc. and even the protected music purchased from iTunes store can also be converted to iPhone ringtone.
3. The iPhone Ringtone Maker supports transfering converted ringtone to iPhone directly after making iPhone ringtone.
4. It helps you set exact start time and end time of the segment you want and turn it into iPhone ringtone.
How to put ringtones on iphone? The iPhone Ringtone Maker will be your best choice and good helper. With its powerful functions and easy-to-use operations, your iphone will be quite unique.
Custom iPhone Ringtone
make iphone ringtone
iPhone Ringtone Maker, a smart iPhone ringtone tool, can convert almost all mainstream video/audio formats including AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/AVC, AVCHD, MKV, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, MP3 to M4R iPhone ringtone, and transfer the converted M4R ringtone to iPhone directly without iTunes after conversion if you want. Apart from converting common formats to iphone ringtone, the Ringtone Maker even supports converting music purchased from iTunes store to iPhone ringtone.
The powerful Maker is able to clip any music segment from video/audio file and turn it into iPhone ringtone. If you want to have an unique iPhone ringtone, the iPhone Ringtone Maker is your best choice and a "must have" utitlity for iPhone users.
How to Custom iPhone Ringtone
Key Features of iPhone Ringtone Maker:
1. The Maker can convert audio files like WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, MP3, AAC to iPhone ringtone in M4R iPhone ringtone format.
2. You can make iPhone ringtone from videos like AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/AVC, AVCHD, MKV, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, etc. and even the protected music purchased from iTunes store can also be converted to iPhone ringtone.
3. The iPhone Ringtone Maker supports transfering converted ringtone to iPhone directly after making iPhone ringtone.
4. It helps you set exact start time and end time of the segment you want and turn it into iPhone ringtone.
How to put ringtones on iphone? The iPhone Ringtone Maker will be your best choice and good helper. With its powerful functions and easy-to-use operations, your iphone will be quite unique.
Custom iPhone Ringtone
avi converter for mac
AVI Converter for Mac is a powerful software which can help you convert mac avi to all sorts of video and audio formats including mp4, m4v, mov, flv, 3gp, mpg, wav, ac3, ogg and ape. All kinds of video players no matter iPod Classic, Nano, Touch, PSP, Creative Zen, iRIVER PMP Video are supported as well. Apart from that, Mac AVI Converter also provides you various features like set output settings including frame rate, bit rate and output format. Customize video effects and apply special effects to your output videos are supported as well
$35.00 Trial Version
Key Features of the AVI Converter for Mac :
* Specially designed for mac os x
* Super fast speed provided
* Powerful output video format supported
* Trim video and audio files, preview videos while converting
* Multi language supported
AVI Converter for Mac
$35.00 Trial Version
Key Features of the AVI Converter for Mac :
* Specially designed for mac os x
* Super fast speed provided
* Powerful output video format supported
* Trim video and audio files, preview videos while converting
* Multi language supported
AVI Converter for Mac
MPEG Converter for Mac
MPEG Converter for Mac is the best .MPG Converter Mac OS software to convert various video formats including MPEG4, iPod Touch MPEG4, iPod Nano MPEG4, iPhone Video MPEG4, iPhone Video H.264, Apple TV MPEG4, M4v-MPEG4 and so on. MPEG Converter for Mac can convert popular video formats to be played ony portable devices like iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, Zune, PSP, Video capable MP4 players, etc.
In addition, the MPEG Converter for Mac is a fast and excellent video to MPEG conversion product for Mac to convert video to MPEG with great stability. Moreover, with the latest perfectly MPEG Converter for Mac conversion tool, almost all kinds of video formats including AVI, MPEG, MPG, WMV, MOV, RM, RMVB, MP4, DAT VOB shall be converted automatically with just a few clicks.
Download Free Trial Version Buy Now $35.00
MPEG Converter for Mac
Key Features of MPEG Converter for Mac
# Perfect quality and super fast conversion speed.
# Specially designed for Mac OS users.
# Convert Videos for almost all popular players.
# Support Numerous input format.
# Powerful edit functions including trimming, cropping, setting output settings and setting video effect, etc.
# Easy to use.
In addition, the MPEG Converter for Mac is a fast and excellent video to MPEG conversion product for Mac to convert video to MPEG with great stability. Moreover, with the latest perfectly MPEG Converter for Mac conversion tool, almost all kinds of video formats including AVI, MPEG, MPG, WMV, MOV, RM, RMVB, MP4, DAT VOB shall be converted automatically with just a few clicks.
Download Free Trial Version Buy Now $35.00
MPEG Converter for Mac
Key Features of MPEG Converter for Mac
# Perfect quality and super fast conversion speed.
# Specially designed for Mac OS users.
# Convert Videos for almost all popular players.
# Support Numerous input format.
# Powerful edit functions including trimming, cropping, setting output settings and setting video effect, etc.
# Easy to use.
wmv converter for mac
WMV Converter for Mac
VOB Converter for Mac
MOV Converter for Mac
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – Workers are carving out mass graves on a hillside north of Haiti's capital, using earth-movers to bury 10,000 earthquake victims in a single day while relief workers warn the death toll could increase.
Medical clinics have 12-day patient backlogs, untreated injuries are festering and makeshift camps housing thousands of survivors could foster disease, experts said.
"The next health risk could include outbreaks of diarrhea, respiratory tract infections and other diseases among hundreds of thousands of Haitians living in overcrowded camps with poor or nonexistent sanitation," said Dr. Greg Elder, deputy operations manager for Doctors Without Borders in Haiti.
Hoping to assess the scope of the crisis, World Food Program chief Josette Sheeran planned to visit Haiti on Thursday, as did European Union aid chief Karel De Gucht.
The death toll is estimated at 200,000, according to Haitian government figures relayed by the European Commission, with 80,000 buried in mass graves. The commission now estimates 2 million homeless, up from 1.5 million, and says 250,000 are in need of urgent aid.
In the sparsely populated wasteland of Titanyen, north of Port-au-Prince, burial workers on Wednesday said the macabre task of handling the never-ending flow of bodies was traumatizing.
"I have seen so many children, so many children. I cannot sleep at night and, if I do, it is a constant nightmare," said Foultone Fequiert, 38, his face covered with a T-shirt against the overwhelming stench.
The dead stick out at all angles from the mass graves — tall mounds of chalky dirt, the limbs of men, women and children frozen together in death. "I received 10,000 bodies yesterday alone," said Fequiert.
Workers say they have no time to give the dead proper religious burials or follow pleas from the international community that bodies be buried in shallow graves from which loved ones might eventually retrieve them.
"We just dump them in, and fill it up," said Luckner Clerzier, 39, who was helping guide trucks to another grave site farther up the road.
An Associated Press reporter counted 15 burial mounds at Clerzier's site, each covering a wide trench cut into the ground some 25 feet deep, and rising 15 feet into the air. At the larger mass grave, where Fequiert toiled, three earth-moving machines cut long trenches into the earth, readying them for more cadavers.
Others struggle to stem the flow of the dead.
More than eight days after the magnitude-7.0 earthquake, rescuers searched late into the night for survivors with dogs and sonar equipment. A Los Angeles County rescue team sent three dogs separately into the rubble on a street corner in Petionville, a suburb overlooking Port-au-Prince. Each dog picked up the scent of life at one spot.
They tested the spot and screamed into the rubble in Creole they've learned: "If you hear me, bang three times."
They heard no response, but vowed to continue.
"It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack, and each day the needles are disappearing," team member Steven Chin said.
One rescue was reported. The International Medical Corps said it was caring for a child found in ruins Wednesday. The boy's uncle told doctors and a nurse with the Los Angeles-based organization that relatives pulled the 5-year-old from the wreckage of his home after searching for a week, said Margaret Aguirre, an IMC spokeswoman in Haiti.
A Dutch adoption agency said Thursday that a mercy flight carrying 109 adopted children was on its way to the Netherlands from Port-au-Prince. The children on board the plane were all in the process of being adopted and already had been matched to new Dutch parents before the quake.
At the Mission Baptiste hospital south of Port-au-Prince, patients waited on benches or rolling beds while doctors and nurses raced among them, X-rays in hand.
The hospital had just received badly need supplies from soldiers of the U.S Army's 82nd Airborne Division, but hospital director John Angus said there wasn't enough. He pleaded for more doctors, casts and metal plates to fix broken limbs.
Meanwhile, a flotilla of rescue vessels led by the U.S. hospital ship Comfort steamed into Port-au-Prince harbor Wednesday to help fill gaps in the struggling global effort to deliver water, food and medical help.
Elder, of Doctors Without Borders, said that patients were dying of sepsis from untreated wounds and that some of the group's posts had 10- to 12-day backups of patients.
Adding to the terror, a 5.9-magnitude aftershock shook Haiti's capital Wednesday, sending people screaming into the streets. Some buildings collapsed and an undertaker said one woman died of a heart attack. Surgical teams and patients were forced to evacuate temporarily from at least one hospital.
At United Nations headquarters in New York, U.N. humanitarian chief John Holmes said it was believed 3 million people are affected. Vast, makeshift camps and settlements have sprung up for survivors.
Joseph St. Juste and his 5-year-old daughter, Jessica, were among 50,000 people spending their nights at a golf course. He is afraid to stay in his home because of the aftershocks.
The survivors have put of shelters of bedsheets or cardboard boxes on fairways that snake up the hill toward a country club where U.S. paratroopers give out food daily.
St. Juste, a 36-year-old bus driver, wakes up every day and goes out to find food and water for his daughter.
"I wake up for her," he said. "Life is hard anymore. I've got to get out of Haiti. There is no life in Haiti."
Associated Press writers contributing to this report included Alfred de Montesquiou, Tamara Lush, Kevin Maurer, Michelle Faul, Bill Gorman and Jessica Desvarieux in Haiti; Edith M. Lederer at the United Nations; Emma Vandore and Elaine Ganley in Paris; and Aoife White in Brussels.
for more:http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100121/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/cb_haiti_earthquake
VOB Converter for Mac
MOV Converter for Mac
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – Workers are carving out mass graves on a hillside north of Haiti's capital, using earth-movers to bury 10,000 earthquake victims in a single day while relief workers warn the death toll could increase.
Medical clinics have 12-day patient backlogs, untreated injuries are festering and makeshift camps housing thousands of survivors could foster disease, experts said.
"The next health risk could include outbreaks of diarrhea, respiratory tract infections and other diseases among hundreds of thousands of Haitians living in overcrowded camps with poor or nonexistent sanitation," said Dr. Greg Elder, deputy operations manager for Doctors Without Borders in Haiti.
Hoping to assess the scope of the crisis, World Food Program chief Josette Sheeran planned to visit Haiti on Thursday, as did European Union aid chief Karel De Gucht.
The death toll is estimated at 200,000, according to Haitian government figures relayed by the European Commission, with 80,000 buried in mass graves. The commission now estimates 2 million homeless, up from 1.5 million, and says 250,000 are in need of urgent aid.
In the sparsely populated wasteland of Titanyen, north of Port-au-Prince, burial workers on Wednesday said the macabre task of handling the never-ending flow of bodies was traumatizing.
"I have seen so many children, so many children. I cannot sleep at night and, if I do, it is a constant nightmare," said Foultone Fequiert, 38, his face covered with a T-shirt against the overwhelming stench.
The dead stick out at all angles from the mass graves — tall mounds of chalky dirt, the limbs of men, women and children frozen together in death. "I received 10,000 bodies yesterday alone," said Fequiert.
Workers say they have no time to give the dead proper religious burials or follow pleas from the international community that bodies be buried in shallow graves from which loved ones might eventually retrieve them.
"We just dump them in, and fill it up," said Luckner Clerzier, 39, who was helping guide trucks to another grave site farther up the road.
An Associated Press reporter counted 15 burial mounds at Clerzier's site, each covering a wide trench cut into the ground some 25 feet deep, and rising 15 feet into the air. At the larger mass grave, where Fequiert toiled, three earth-moving machines cut long trenches into the earth, readying them for more cadavers.
Others struggle to stem the flow of the dead.
More than eight days after the magnitude-7.0 earthquake, rescuers searched late into the night for survivors with dogs and sonar equipment. A Los Angeles County rescue team sent three dogs separately into the rubble on a street corner in Petionville, a suburb overlooking Port-au-Prince. Each dog picked up the scent of life at one spot.
They tested the spot and screamed into the rubble in Creole they've learned: "If you hear me, bang three times."
They heard no response, but vowed to continue.
"It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack, and each day the needles are disappearing," team member Steven Chin said.
One rescue was reported. The International Medical Corps said it was caring for a child found in ruins Wednesday. The boy's uncle told doctors and a nurse with the Los Angeles-based organization that relatives pulled the 5-year-old from the wreckage of his home after searching for a week, said Margaret Aguirre, an IMC spokeswoman in Haiti.
A Dutch adoption agency said Thursday that a mercy flight carrying 109 adopted children was on its way to the Netherlands from Port-au-Prince. The children on board the plane were all in the process of being adopted and already had been matched to new Dutch parents before the quake.
At the Mission Baptiste hospital south of Port-au-Prince, patients waited on benches or rolling beds while doctors and nurses raced among them, X-rays in hand.
The hospital had just received badly need supplies from soldiers of the U.S Army's 82nd Airborne Division, but hospital director John Angus said there wasn't enough. He pleaded for more doctors, casts and metal plates to fix broken limbs.
Meanwhile, a flotilla of rescue vessels led by the U.S. hospital ship Comfort steamed into Port-au-Prince harbor Wednesday to help fill gaps in the struggling global effort to deliver water, food and medical help.
Elder, of Doctors Without Borders, said that patients were dying of sepsis from untreated wounds and that some of the group's posts had 10- to 12-day backups of patients.
Adding to the terror, a 5.9-magnitude aftershock shook Haiti's capital Wednesday, sending people screaming into the streets. Some buildings collapsed and an undertaker said one woman died of a heart attack. Surgical teams and patients were forced to evacuate temporarily from at least one hospital.
At United Nations headquarters in New York, U.N. humanitarian chief John Holmes said it was believed 3 million people are affected. Vast, makeshift camps and settlements have sprung up for survivors.
Joseph St. Juste and his 5-year-old daughter, Jessica, were among 50,000 people spending their nights at a golf course. He is afraid to stay in his home because of the aftershocks.
The survivors have put of shelters of bedsheets or cardboard boxes on fairways that snake up the hill toward a country club where U.S. paratroopers give out food daily.
St. Juste, a 36-year-old bus driver, wakes up every day and goes out to find food and water for his daughter.
"I wake up for her," he said. "Life is hard anymore. I've got to get out of Haiti. There is no life in Haiti."
Associated Press writers contributing to this report included Alfred de Montesquiou, Tamara Lush, Kevin Maurer, Michelle Faul, Bill Gorman and Jessica Desvarieux in Haiti; Edith M. Lederer at the United Nations; Emma Vandore and Elaine Ganley in Paris; and Aoife White in Brussels.
for more:http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100121/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/cb_haiti_earthquake
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